Verbo study in inglese

In questa lezione vedremo le diverse coniugazioni del verbo study in inglese con vari esempi di utilizzo.

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Verbo study – Present simple

Il verbo study in inglese significa studiare.

La terza persona singolare fa cadere la -y e prende -ies nelle affermative. Le negazioni e le domande usano il verbo to do coniugato al present simple e lasciano invariato il verbo.

I study
You study
He / She / It studies
We study
You study
They study
I do not study
You do not study
He / She / It does not study
We do not study
You do not study
They do not study
Do I study?
Do you study?
Does he / she / it study?
Do we study?
Do you study?
Do they study?

➡️ Vai alla lezione sul present simple!

Verbo study – Present continuous

Si usa il verbo to be coniugato al present simple + la forma al gerundio di to study, studying, per tutti i tipi di frase.

I am studying
You are studying
He / She / It is studying
We are studying
You are studying
They are studying
I am not studying
You are not studying
He / She / It is not studying
We are not studying
You are not studying
They are not studying
Am I studying?
Are you studying?
Is he / she / it studying?
Are we studying?
Are you studying?
Are they studying?

➡️ Vai alla lezione sul present continuous!

Verbo study – Past simple

Tutti i pronomi soggetto fanno cadere la -y e prendono -ied nelle affermative. Le negazioni e le domande usano il verbo to do coniugato al past simple e lasciano invariato il verbo.

I studied
You studied
He / She / It studied
We studied
You studied
They studied
I did not study
You did not study
He / She / It did not study
We did not study
You did not study
They did not study
Did I study?
Did you study?
Did he / she / it study?
Did we study?
Did you study?
Did they study?

➡️ Vai alla lezione sul past simple!

Verbo study – Past continuous

È la forma al passato del present continuous. Si usa il verbo to be coniugato al past simple + la forma al gerundio di to study, studying.

I was studying
You were studying
He / She / It was studying
We were studying
You were studying
They were studying
I was not studying
You were not studying
He / She / It was not studying
We were not studying
You were not studying
They were not studying
Was I studying?
Were you studying?
Was he / she / it studying?
Were we studying?
Were you studying?
Were they studying?

➡️ Vai alla lezione sul past continuous!

Verbo study – Present perfect simple

Si usa il verbo to have coniugato al present simple + il participio passato di to study, studied, per tutti i tipi di frase.

I have studied
You have studied
He / She / It has studied
We have studied
You have studied
They have studied
I have not studied
You have not studied
He / She / It has not studied
We have not studied
You have not studied
They have not studied
Have I studied?
Have you studied?
Has he / she / it studied?
Have we studied?
Have you studied?
Have they studied?

➡️ Vai alla lezione sul present perfect simple!

Verbo study – Present perfect continuous

Si usa la forma al present perfect di to be (have been) + la forma al gerundio di to study, studying.

I have been studying
You have been studying
He / She / It has been studying
We have been studying
You have been studying
They have been studying
I have not been studying
You have not been studying
He / She / It has not been studying
We have not been studying
You have not been studying
They have not been studying
Have I been studying?
Have you been studying?
Has he / she / it been studying?
Have we been studying?
Have you been studying?
Have they been studying?

➡️ Vai alla lezione sul present perfect continuous!

Verbo study – Past perfect simple

È la versione al passato del present perfect simple. Si usa il verbo to have coniugato al past simple + il participio passato di to study, studied, per tutti i tipi di frase.

I had studied
You had studied
He / She / It had studied
We had studied
You had studied
They had studied
I had not studied
You had not studied
He / She / It had not studied
We had not studied
You had not studied
They had not studied
Had I studied?
Had you studied?
Had he / she / it studied?
Had we studied?
Had you studied?
Had they studied?

➡️ Vai alla lezione sul past perfect simple!

Verbo study – Past perfect continuous

È la versione al passato del present perfect continuous. Si ottiene con la forma al past perfect di to be (had been) + la forma al gerundio di to study, studying.

I had been studying
You had been studying
He / She / It had been studying
We had been studying
You had been studying
They had been studying
I had not been studying
You had not been studying
He / She / It had not been studying
We had not been studying
You had not been studying
They had not been studying
Had I been studying?
Had you been studying?
Had he / she / it been studying?
Had we been studying?
Had you been studying?
Had they been studying?

➡️ Vai alla lezione sul past perfect continuous!

Verbo study – Future simple

Si ottiene con il modale will + il verbo senza il to che rimane invariato per tutti i pronomi soggetto.

I will study
You will study
He / She / It will study
We will study
You will study
They will study
I will not study
You will not study
He / She / It will not study
We will not study
You will not study
They will not study
Will I study?
Will you study?
Will he / she / it study?
Will we study?
Will you study?
Will they study?

➡️ Vai alla lezione sul future simple!

Verbo study – Future continuous

È la versione al futuro del present continuous. Si ottiene con la forma al futuro con will di to be (will be) + la forma al gerundio di to study, studying.

I will be studying
You will be studying
He / She / It will be studying
We will be studying
You will be studying
They will be studying
I will not be studying
You will not be studying
He / She / It will not be studying
We will not be studying
You will not be studying
They will not be studying
Will I be studying?
Will you be studying?
Will he / she / it be studying?
Will we be studying?
Will you be studying?
Will they be studying?

➡️ Vai alla lezione sul future continuous!

➡️ Potrebbe anche interessarti la lezione sul future perfect simple e continuous, i due tempi più ostici e meno comuni della lingua inglese!

Verbo study – Conditional present

Si ottiene con il modale would + il verbo senza il to che rimane invariato per tutti i pronomi soggetto.

I would study
You would study
He / She / It would study
We would study
You would study
They would study
I would not study
You would not study
He / She / It would not study
We would not study
You would not study
They would not study
Would I study?
Would you study?
Would he / she / it study?
Would we study?
Would you study?
Would they study?

Verbo study – Conditional perfect

Si ottiene con il modale would + la have studied per tutti i pronomi soggetto.

I would have studied
You would have studied
He / She / It would have studied
We would have studied
You would have studied
They would have studied
I would not have studied
You would not have studied
He / She / It would not have studied
We would not have studied
You would not have studied
They would not have studied
Would I have studied?
Would you have studied?
Would he / she / it have studied?
Would we have studied?
Would you have studied?
Would they have studied?

Verbo study in inglese – Esempi

Why do you study every day?
Perché studi ogni giorno?

My children are studying English.
I miei figli stanno studiando l’inglese.

Paul doesn’t study very much.
Paul non studia molto.

Tom has studied both French and English.
Tom ha studiato sia il francese che l’inglese.

Why were you studying German so hard?
Perché stavi studiando il tedesco così duramente?

How long have you been studying Latin?
Da quanto tempo studi il latino?

I have been studying languages for many years.
Studio le lingue da molti anni.

Tom didn’t study at all last weekend.
Tom non ha studiato affatto lo scorso fine settimana.

I will be studying English when you arrive tonight.
Starò studiando inglese quando arriverai stasera.

I will study abroad on my own.
Studierò all’estero per conto mio.

I have an exam tomorrow, but I haven’t studied at all.
Domani ho un esame, ma non ho studiato affatto.

Had he studied English before he came to this school?
Aveva studiato inglese prima di venire in questa scuola?

I won’t be studying French tonight.
Non studierò il francese stasera.

E con il verbo study in inglese è tutto!

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