The zodiac signs in Italian

Qual è il tuo segno zodiacale? What’s your zodiac sign? If you want to learn the 12 zodiac signs in Italian, you have come to the right place.

Throughout this lesson, you’ll notice that while English uses Latin words to identify each sign (Aries, Taurus, Gemini…), Italian almost always uses the names of the sign animals themselves. So Aries, which is represented by a ram, is called ariete, the ram itself.

Qual è il tuo segno zodiacale?
What’s your zodiac sign?

The names of the 12 zodiac signs in Italian are also the names of 12 constellations you can find in the northern hemisphere.

Alright, let’s see what these zodiac signs in Italian are! At the end of this lesson you will also find a handy vocabulary list to talk about the horoscope in Italian.

The 12 zodiac signs in Italian

First let’s have a quick look at these zodiac signs in Italian. In the following paragraphs, we’ll see each sign in more detail, with audio clips and interesting information about each sign.


Now let’s see all zodiac signs in Italian in detail.

♈ Aries

zodiac signs in Italian - ariete


Ariete is the 1st zodiac sign. Its period is March 21 – April 19.

Ariete is also the Italian word for “ram”.

🌌 The brightest star in the Aries constellation is Hamal.

♉ Taurus

zodiac signs in Italian - toro


Toro is the 2nd zodiac sign. Its period is April 20 – May 20.

Toro is also the Italian word for “bull”.

🌌 The Taurus constellation contains the Crab Nebula and the Pleiades star cluster.

♊ Gemini

zodiac signs in Italian - gemelli


Gemelli is the 3rd zodiac sign. Its period is May 21 – June 21.

Gemelli is also the Italian word for “twins”.

🌌 The brightest stars in the Gemini constellation are Pollux and Castor.

♋ The zodiac signs in Italian – Cancer

zodiac signs in Italian - cancro


Cancro is the 4th zodiac sign. Its period is June 22 – July 22.

Cancro is also the Italian word for “cancer” itself. The word for “crab” is actually granchio.

🌌 The Cancer constellation is home to the Beehive star cluster, also known as Praesepe.

♌ Leo

zodiac signs in Italian - leone


Leone is the 5th zodiac sign. Its period is July 23 – August 22.

Leone is also the Italian word for “lion”.

🌌 The brightest star in the Leo constellation is Regulus.

♍ Virgo

zodiac signs in Italian - vergine


Vergine is the 6th zodiac sign. Its period is August 23 – September 22.

Vergine is also the Italian word for “virgin”.

🌌 The brightest star in the Virgo constellation is Spica. It is also home to the Virgo cluster of galaxies.

♎ Libra

zodiac signs in Italian - bilancia


Bilancia is the 7th zodiac sign. Its period is September 23 – October 23.

Bilancia is also the Italian word for “scale”.

🌌 The brightest star in the Libra constellation is Beta Librae, formerly known as Zubeneschamali (Arabic for “northern claw”).

♏ The zodiac signs in Italian – Scorpio

zodiac signs in Italian - scorpione


Scorpione is the 8th zodiac sign. Its period is October 24 – November 21.

Scorpione is also the Italian word for “scorpion”.

🌌 The brightest star in the Libra constellation is Antares.

♐ Sagittarius

zodiac signs in Italian - sagittario


Sagittario is the 9th zodiac sign. Its period is November 22 – December 21.

Sagittario is only a zodiac sign in Italian, “archer” being arciere.

🌌 The brightest star in the Sagittarius constellation is Epsilon Sagittarii. It is also home to the Lagoon nebula.

♑ Capricorn

zodiac signs in Italian - capricorno


Capricorno is the 10th zodiac sign. Its period is December 22 – January 19.

Capricorno is also the Italian word for “serow”.

🌌 The brightest star in the Capricorn constellation is Delta Capricorni.

♒ Aquarius

zodiac signs in Italian - acquario


Acquario is the 11th zodiac sign. Its period is January 20 – February 18.

Acquario is also the Italian word for “fish tank”.

🌌 The brightest star in the Aquarius constellation is Alpha Aquarii, also known as Sadalmelik (Arabic for “the lucky stars of the king”).

♓ Pisces

zodiac signs in Italian - pesci


Pesci is the 12th zodiac sign. Its period is February 19 – March 20.

Pesci is also the Italian word for “fish” (plural).

🌌 The brightest star in the Pisces constellation is Eta Piscium.

Useful words to talk about the zodiac signs in Italian

Knowing the names of the zodiac signs in Italian may not be enough to talk about them. You need to learn a few more words, such as the word for the horoscope itself.

The horoscope

Che cosa dice l’oroscopo di questa settimana per il segno dell’Ariete?
What does the Aries horoscope say for this week?

The rising sign

Sono un Sagittario con ascendente Scorpione.
My zodiac sign is Sagittarius and my rising sign is Scorpio.


L’astrologia non ha basi scientifiche, ma è molto seguita.
Astrology has no scientific basis, but it’s very influential.


L’astronomia è la scienza che studia i corpi e i fenomeni celesti.
Astronomy is the study of sky objects and phenomena.

La costellazione
The constellation

Ci sono 88 costellazioni.
There are 88 constellations.

zodiac signs in Italian - costellazione

I segni zodiacali
The zodiac signs

Quanti sono i segni zodiacali?
How many zodiac signs are there?

More free Italian resources

You might want to keep learning Italian online with these free Italian resources:

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