Common Italian adverbs list – A
Italian | English |
a dispetto di | in spite of |
a piedi | on foot |
abbastanza | enough |
abilmente | skillfully |
accanto | beside, next to |
adesso | now |
adagio | slowly, warily |
addirittura | even |
affatto | at all |
agilmente | with agility, nimbly |
all’improvviso | suddenly |
all’incirca | circa, roughly |
all’inizio | at the beginning |
allora | then, in that moment |
almeno | at least, if only |
alquanto | very, rather |
altrettanto | as |
altrimenti | differently |
altrove | elsewhere |
anche | too, also, as well |
ancora | again, still |
annualmente | annualy |
anzitutto | first of all |
appena | barely, just |
appieno | to the fullest |
apposta | on purpose |
appunto | precisely, indeed |
assai | very, rather |
assieme | together |
assolutamente | absolutely |
attentamente | carefully |
attorno | around, about |
attraverso | across, diagonally |
attualmente | currently |
avanti | ahead, forward |
Common Italian adverbs list – B
Italian | English |
basso | down, downward |
beatamente | blissfully |
bellamente | totally, comfortably |
bene | well, fine, good |
benissimo | very well, perfectly |
brevemente | briefly |
bruscamente | sharply, abruptly |
brutalmente | brutally |
Common Italian adverbs list – C
Italian | English |
caldamente | sincerely, wormly, eagerly |
candidamente | candidly, openly |
casualmente | casually |
cautamente | cautiously |
certamente | certainly |
certo | definitely, certainly |
chiaramente | clearly |
chissà | who knows, I wonder |
ciecamente | blindly |
come | how |
comodamente | comfortably, easily |
completamente | completely |
comunque | anyway, in any case |
controcorrente | against the current |
controvento | against the wind |
controvoglia | reluctantly |
cordialmente | cordially |
correttamente | accurately, precisely |
così | so, thus, in this way |
Common Italian adverbs list – D
Italian | English |
daccapo | from the beginning |
dappertutto | everywhere |
dapprima | initially |
davanti | in front, opposite from |
davvero | really, truly |
debolmente | weakly, dimly |
decentemente | decently |
decisamente | decisively |
delicatamente | delicately |
dentro | inside, indoors |
dietro | back, behind |
difficilmente | unlikely, barely |
diritto | straight away, directly |
diversamente | differently |
domani | tomorrow |
dopo | next, after, later, afterward |
dopodomani | the day after tomorrow |
dopotutto | after all |
dove | where |
dovunque | everywhere, anywhere |
dritto | straight |
duramente | harshly, firmly, solidly |
Common Italian adverbs list – E
Italian | English |
eccessivamente | excessively |
eccetera | etcetera |
ecco | here! |
effettivamente | indeed, actually, basically |
esattamente | precisely, exactly |
esclusivamente | exclusively, only |
esternamente | outwardly, externally |
Common Italian adverbs list – F
Italian | English |
fa | ago |
facilmente | easily |
falsamente | falsely, untruthfully |
felicemente | happily, successfully |
ferocemente | ferociously |
fieramente | proudly |
finalmente | finally |
finora | so far, up until now |
fondamentalmente | fundamentally, essentially |
forse | maybe, perhaps |
francamente | frankly |
freddamente | coldly |
freneticamente | frantically |
fuori | outside |
Common Italian adverbs list – G
Italian | English |
gelosamente | jealously |
gentilmente | gently |
giustamente | rightly (so), properly |
già | before, already, yet |
giù | down, below |
goffamente | clumsily |
gratis | free, free of charge |
gravemente | seriously, gravely |
grossomodo | roughly, approximately |
Common Italian adverbs list – I
Italian | English |
idem | ditto, the same |
ieri | yesterday |
illegalmente | illegaly |
improvvisamente | suddenly |
incontro | towards, against |
indosso | on (of clothes) |
indubbiamente | undoubtedly |
infine | eventually, in the end |
infinitamente | infinitely |
inizialmente | initially |
innanzitutto | for starters, first of all |
inoltre | moreover, furthermore |
insieme | together |
insomma | so, hence, in conclusion |
intorno | around, near |
inutilmente | uselessly |
invano | in vain |
invece | instead, but |
Common Italian adverbs list – L
Italian | English |
laddove | where, in which |
laggiù | down there |
lassù | up there |
legalmente | legally |
leggermente | slightly, lightly |
lentamente | slowly |
lievemente | slightly, lightly |
lontano | far away |
là/lì | there |
Common Italian adverbs list – M
Italian | English |
magari | perhaps, maybe |
magicamente | magically |
mai | never |
malamente | badly |
a malapena | barely, with difficulty |
male | poorly, madly |
malissimo | very poorly, badly |
manco | not even |
manualmente | manually |
meglio | better |
meno | less, least |
mensilmente | monthly |
mentalmente | mentally |
mica | it’s not like, it’s not as if |
molto | very, much |
momentaneamente | momentarily |
mortalmente | mortally |
Common Italian adverbs list – N
Italian | English |
naturalmente | naturally |
neanche | neither, not even |
necessariamente | necessarily |
nemmeno | neither, not even |
neppure | not even |
nervosamente | nervously |
no | no |
non | not |
normalmente | normally |
nottetempo | at night |
Common Italian adverbs list – O
Italian | English |
obbligatoriamente | compulsory |
oggi | today |
oltre | beyond, past, over |
onestamente | honestly |
ora | now |
or(a)mai | by now, at this point |
ovunque | everywhere, all over |
ovviamente | obviously |
Common Italian adverbs list – P
Italian | English |
palesemente | clearly |
parecchio | a lot, quite a lot |
pari | even |
peggio | worse |
peraltro | but, however |
perché | why |
perfettamente | perfectly |
perfino/persino | so much as, even |
perlopiù | for the most part, usually |
personalmente | personally |
pianissimo | very slowly, very quietly |
piano | slowly, quetly |
pienamente | fully |
piuttosto | rather, quite |
più | more |
più o meno | more or less |
poco | little |
poi | then, after, later |
possibilmente | possibly |
praticamente | essentially, practically |
precisamente | precisely |
preferibilmente | preferably |
pressappoco | more or less, about |
pressoché | nearly, almost |
prestissimo | very soon, very early |
presto | soon, early |
prima | before, earlier |
principalmente | mainly, primarily |
privatamente | privately |
probabilmente | probably |
proprio | really, quite |
puramente | purely, sincerely |
pure | also, too |
purtroppo | unfortunately |
Common Italian adverbs list – Q
Italian | English |
qua/qui | here |
quando | when |
quasi | almost, nearly |
quindi | then |
Common Italian adverbs list – R
Italian | English |
rapidamente | rapidly, quickly |
raramente | rarely |
realmente | actually, truly |
Common Italian adverbs list – S
Italian | English |
scarsamente | scarcely, barely |
semmai | if anything, if at all |
semplicemente | simply |
sempre | always, forever |
sennò | if not, otherwise |
seriamente | seriously |
sicuramente | surely, certainly |
similmente | similarly |
sinceramente | sincerely, candidly |
solamente | only |
solo | only, just |
soltanto | only, just |
soprattutto | above all, especially |
sotto | underneath, under |
sottosopra | upside down |
sottovoce | under your breath, quietly |
sottozero | below zero |
specialmente | especially, particularly |
spesso | often |
stamattina | this morning |
stasera | this evening |
stranamente | unusually |
su | upstairs, overhead |
subito | at once, immediately |
sì | yes |
Common Italian adverbs list – T
Italian | English |
talmente | so, so much, to such an extent |
talvolta | sometimes |
tanto | a lot, very much |
tardi | late |
terribilmente | terribly |
totalmente | totally |
tranquillamente | calmy, serenely, easily |
troppo | too much, in excess |
tuttora | even now, to this day |
Common Italian adverbs list – U
Italian | English |
ugualmente | equally, just the same |
ultimamente | lately |
unicamente | only, uniquely |
urgentemente | urgently |
Common Italian adverbs list – V
Italian | English |
vagamente | vaguely |
velocemente | quickly, rapidly |
veramente | actually, really |
viceversa | whereas, other way around |
vicino | nearby, close by |
volentieri | gladly, willingly |
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