How exactly do you say I love it in Italian? Are there more ways to say it depending on what “it” is?
In this lesson, we will take a look at the different ways you can translate this sentence into Italian. Read on to learn them all!
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How do you say I love it in Italian?
Lo/la… adoro!
To correctly translate I love it in Italian, you need to consider the gender of the object replaced by “it”.
Lo adoro
I love it! (singular, masculine)
La adoro
I love it! (singular, feminine)
This is because Italian has two genders. All nouns are either masculine or feminine, so you need to consider that when you translate “it” as a direct object.
This common sentence in Italian is made of two elements.
Direct object pronoun “it”
“I love”
For example, if “it” refers to a letter, lettera, you need to use la adoro, because letter is a feminine noun in Italian. If it refers to, say, a gift, regalo, you need to say lo adoro, because gift is of masculine gender.
Mi hai comprato un carillon? Lo adoro!
You bought me a music box? I love it!
Non faccio che ascoltare questa canzone a ripetizione. La adoro!
I just keep listening to this song on repeat. I love it!
This expression can also be shortened to l’adoro.
Are you wondering why the direct object pronoun “it” precedes the verb? Learn how direct object pronouns in Italian work here.
Adoro is the first-person singular conjugation of adorare, to adore, in the present tense.
Present tense conjugation of adorare
io | adoro |
tu | adori |
lui, lei | adora |
noi | adoriamo |
voi | adorate |
loro | adorano |
For example, you could say…
I bambini adorano costruire castelli di sabbia.
Children love to build sand castles.
Mia sorella adora i fiocchi rosa.
My sister loves pink bows.
Why is to adore used instead of to love, which translates to amare?
Amare has limited use in Italian. It’s true that it can also translate I love it in Italian (we’ll see how in a minute), but amare is most often used to mean romantic love, and adorare is actually more common for describing one’s attachment to things.
Lo/la… amo!
This is another (less) common translation for I love it in Italian. As we’ve seen in the previous paragraph, it features the verb amare, literally to love.
Lo amo
I love it! (singular, masculine)
La amo
I love it! (singular, feminine)
This expression can also be shortened to l’amo, although lo amo and la amo are more commonly used.
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Amo is the first-person singular conjugation of amare, to love, in the present tense.
Present tense conjugation of amare
io | amo |
tu | ami |
lui, lei | ama |
noi | amiamo |
voi | amate |
loro | amano |
For example, you could say…
Amo l’estate!
I love summer!
Giorgia ama leggere un libro a casa mentre fuori piove.
Giorgia loves to read a book at home while it is raining outside.
And that’s it, now you know how to say I love it in Italian in all its forms!
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