
Meaning of vero in Italian

Vero is the Italian translation for “true”, “real” or “truth” depending on context.

OriginFrom the Latin word verum, “true”

True, real; truth

Vero in Italian: Different forms

Like all other adjectives in Italian, vero needs to match the gender (masculine or feminine) and the number (singular or plural) of the noun.


Vero in Italian: Examples

È vero che Marta si è sposata a settembre?
Is it true that Marta got married in September?

Non mi sembra vero di essere in ferie!
I can’t believe I’m on vacation!
(It doesn’t seem true that I’m on vacation!)

Come distinguere il falso dal vero?
How to distinguish false from true?

Stefano è un complottista. Niente di quello che dice è vero.
Stefano is a conspiracy theorist. Nothing he says is true.

conspiracy theorist talking about various conspiracies

Other examples:

Questi gioielli sono veri? Devono valere parecchio!
Are these jewels real? They must be worth a lot!
(Gioielli is a masculine plural noun)

La mia vicina di casa è una vera seccatrice.
My neighbor is a real nuisance.
(Vera is a feminine singular noun)

Quelle rose non sono vere, sono solo dipinte.
Those roses are not real, they are just painted.
(Vere is a feminine plural noun)

a red rose

Vera is also the Italian name for the wedding ring, also called fede nuziale!

As a noun, however, vero is rarely used. Verità is a more common translation for truth. You will find vero as “truth” as opposed to “falsehood” in sentences like “to differentiate between true and false” or “he speaks the truth”.

Giorgio dice il vero.
George speaks the truth.

Vero in Italian: Expressions

There’s a variety of common expressions and sayings featuring vero in Italian. Here are some:

  • a onor del vero, a dire il vero (to tell the truth, to be fair)
  • essere un vero amico (to be a true friend)
  • incredibile ma vero (crazy but true)
  • fosse vero! (if only it were true!)
three shocked people

For example, you can say…

A onor del vero, non sapevo nulla fino a ieri sera.
To be fair, I did not know anything until last night.

Grazie, Matteo. Sei un vero amico.
Thank you, Matteo. You are a true friend.

Incredibile ma vero, Paolo ha passato l’esame!
Incredible but true, Paolo passed the exam!

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