
Italian word of the day

OriginFrom the Latin word strata, “cobbled road”
IPA pronunciation/ˈstraːda/

La strada
The street

Le strade
The streets

Different forms of strada

Like most nouns in Italian, strada has two articles (definite or indefinite articles) and two numbers (singular or plural).

Una strada
A street

Delle strade
Some streets

La strada
The street

Le strade
The streets

snowy street in a city

Types of strada

You will find the word street in Italian most commonly in combination with certain adjectives, such as:

Strada ripida
Steep road

Strada allagata
Flooded road

Strada asfaltata
Paved road

Strada sterrata
Unpaved road

Strada dissestata
Ruined, rough road

Strada lastricata
Cobbled road

Strada trafficata
Busy road

Strada panoramica
Panoramic road

panoramic road

For example, you can say…

La strada principale si è allagata dopo il temporale.
The main street was flooded after the storm.

La strada panoramica è inagibile, devi passare da un’altra parte.
The panoramic road is inaccessible, you have to go another way.

Questa strada è deserta. Siamo sicuri di non esserci persi?
This road is deserted. Are we sure we didn’t get lost?

You will find the word street in Italian most commonly in combination with certain verbs, such as:

Imboccare una strada
To take a road

Ostruire una strada
To block off a road

Asfaltare una strada
To pave a road

Attraversare una strada
To cross a road

Percorrere una strada
To go down a road

Seguire una strada
To follow a road

street in italian - strada buia

For example, you can say…

Dei detriti ostruiscono la strada.
Debris is blocking off the road.

Imbocca la prima strada che trovi sulla sinistra.
Take the first road you find on your left.

Accorciare la strada
To take a shortcut
Literally: To shorten the street

Fare strada
To guide someone along the way
Literally: To make street

Sbagliare strada
To take a wrong turn
Literally: To miss a road, to get a road wrong

Immettersi su una strada
To take a road
Literally: To insert oneself on a road

La strada si biforca
The street divides
Literally: The street forks itself

driver navigating with gps

You will find the word street in Italian most commonly in combination with certain nouns, such as:

Strada in salita
A street that goes uphill

Strada in discesa
A street that goes downhill

Strada a doppio senso
Two-way street

Strada a senso unico
One-way street

Strada di campagna
Country road

Strada di montagna
Mountain road

street in italian - strada alberata

Full examples

Ha sbagliato strada, si è immesso sulla provinciale.
He took a wrong turn, he took the provincial road.

La strada è inagibile a causa dei lavori in corso.
The street is inaccessible because of roadwork.

La gallina attraversò la strada.
The chicken crossed the road.

C’è stato un incidente e adesso la strada è affollata di gente.
There was a car crash and now the road is thronged with people.

Quella laggiù è una strada privata: non puoi passare da lì.
That there is a private road: you can’t get through there.

Segui la strada finché arrivi al ponte, poi svolta a sinistra.
Follow the road until you get to the bridge, then turn left.

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