Meaning of ruffiano in Italian
Ruffiano is an informal translation for panderer, boot-licker, kiss-ass.
Origin | Likely from the Latin word rufianus, “with red hair” |
Pronunciation | /rufˈfjaːno/ |
Panderer, boot-licker, kiss-ass
Ruffiano in Italian: Different forms
Like most nouns in Italian, ruffiano has two articles (definite or indefinite articles) and two numbers (singular or plural).
Un ruffiano
A boot-licker
Dei ruffiani
Some boot-lickers
Il ruffiano
The boot-licker
I ruffiani
The boot-lickers
Ruffiano in Italian: Examples
Marco è un ruffiano, cerca sempre di ottenere favori dagli altri.
Marco is always a flatterer, he always tries to get favors from others.
Non fare il ruffiano solo per piacere agli altri, sii te stesso.
Don’t be a boot-licker just to please others, be yourself.
Non sopporto i ruffiani che cercano di ottenere favori con falsità.
I can’t stand panderers who try to gain favors through insincerity.
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