
Meaning of peloso in Italian

Peloso is translated as “hairy”. It’s used to describe something or someone covered in hair or fur.

OriginFrom the Italian word pelo, which means “hair” or “fur”; by adding the descriptive suffix “-oso,” it becomes peloso, indicating something or someone covered in hair

A feminine version exists, pelosa.


Peloso in Italian: Different forms

Like all other adjectives in Italian, peloso needs to match the gender (masculine or feminine) and the number (singular or plural) of the noun.

white lynx

Peloso in Italian: Examples

Lo yak è un animale peloso.
The yak is a hairy animal.

I cani pelosi sono adorabili, sembrano dei peluche viventi.
Hairy dogs are adorable, they look like living plush toys.

I kiwi verdi hanno una buccia pelosa.
Green kiwifruit have a hairy skin.

Ho comprato un paio di stivaletti foderati di pelo.
I bought a pair of boots lined with fur.

brown botts lined with fur

Peloso can also mean “slick” or “insincere”.

Stefano è una persona pelosa. Non mi fido di lui.
“Stefano is a slick person. I don’t trust him.”

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