Meaning of mammalucco in Italian
Mammalucco is the Italian translation for “simpleton” or “dummy”.
Origin | From the Arab word mamlūk, “bought slave”; the Mamluks were originally enslaved soldiers, often of Turkic or Circassian origin, who became a powerful military caste in various Islamic empires, particularly during the medieval period |
Pronunciation | /ˈmamma ˈlukko/ |
Simpleton, dummy
Mammalucco in Italian: Different forms
Like most nouns in Italian, mammalucco has two articles (definite or indefinite articles) and two numbers (singular or plural).
Un mammalucco
A simpleton
Dei mammalucchi
Some simpletons
Il mammalucco
The simpleton
I mammalucchi
The simpletons
Mammalucco in Italian: Examples
Non fare il mammalucco, è una cosa seria.
Don’t be silly; it’s a serious matter.
Sei un mammalucco se credi a tutte quelle storie assurde.
You’re a simpleton if you believe all those absurd stories.
Devi buttare la pasta dopo che l’acqua bolle, mammalucco!
You have to throw in the pasta after the water boils, you dummy!
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