
Meaning of figurati in Italian

Figurati literally means either “you’re welcome”, “don’t mention it” or “you’re kidding”. It’s an informal expression used to downplay a favor or to express disbelief.

OriginFrom the verb figurare, which means “to represent” or “to imagine”. Figurati is the second person singular of the imperative mood of the reflexive verb figurarsi, “to figure [something] for oneself”

Don’t mention it, you’re welcome; you’re kidding

Figurati in Italian: Examples

Ciao, Gabriele. Ti disturbo? – No, figurati. Dimmi pure.
Hi, Gabriele. Am I disturbing you? – No, not at all. Ask away.

Grazie per l’aiuto con il trasloco. – Figurati, è stato un piacere!
Thanks for helping with the move. – Not at all, it was a pleasure!

Figurati is used in informal context. You can use this in polite settings too with the expression si figuri.

La ringrazio, signor Rossi. – Si figuri.
Thank you, Mr. Rossi. – You’re welcome.

In these examples, figurati is used to say you are not bothered by someone’s request. In other contexts, it can mean “imagine that” to express disbelief.

Hai aspettato così tanto, figurati se me ne sarei andato senza di te!
You waited so long, I would never have left without you, imagine that!

Mi sto divertendo un mondo. Figurati che non volevo nemmeno venire alla festa!
I’m having the time of my life. Just think, I didn’t even want to come to the party!

Non sono riuscita a preparare una torta, figurati organizzare una festa intera.
I couldn’t bake a cake, let alone organize an entire party.

Figurati in Italian can also be used to translate “it doesn’t surprise me”, as in:

Michele ha preso cinque in matematica. – Figurati, non studia quasi mai.
Michele got a five in math. – That doesn’t surprise me, he hardly ever studies.

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