
How to use anzi in Italian

Anzi is a conjunction that most often means “actually”, “on the contrary” and “in fact. It can also be translated as “rather” and “instead”, so this little word has multiple purposes.

OriginFrom the Latin word antĕa, “after, in front of”

Actually, on the contrary, in fact, instead, rather

Anzi in Italian: Examples

Luca non è mai in ritardo, anzi è sempre in anticipo.
Luke is never late; in fact, he is always early.

Potrei avere una birra? Anzi no, mi porti un bicchiere di limonata, per favore.
Could I have a beer? Actually no, bring me a glass of lemonade, please.

Va male, anzi malissimo.
It’s bad, in fact very bad.

sad business man reading a document

Anzi in Italian: Usage

Anzi is used to emphasize or rephrase a statement. It states the opposite of what you’ve just said or serves as an intensifier.

It can stand alone at the end of a sentence to invite someone to continue.

Ti dispiace se prendo in prestito la tua penna? – No, anzi! Fai pure.
Do you mind if I borrow your pen? – Not at all! Go ahead.

It can give a positive nuance to the sentence, as in…

Ivan non è affatto un cattivo giocatore, anzi, è il più bravo della squadra.
Ivan is not a bad player at all; in fact, he is the best player on the team.

It can also convey a negative nuance, as in the example…

Paolo non ride mai, anzi è sempre scocciato.
Paul never laughs, in fact, he is always annoyed.

business man at a table with a very serious face

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