You’re welcome


Words you should knowPregare (to beg)
When to use thisIt’s pretty universal

You’re welcome

For example, you can say:

Grazie per avermi aiutato a pulire il prato. – Prego.
Thank you for helping me clean the lawn. – You are welcome.

Ti ringrazio per il tuo aiuto. – Prego.
I thank you for your help. – You are welcome.

Prego can also translate please in polite settings:

  • You’re inviting someone to sit down
    Prego, si sieda pure. Please, have a seat.
  • You’re welcoming someone in your home
    Prego, entri pure. Please, get inside.
  • You’re holding the door for someone
    Prego, dopo di lei. Please, after you.
prego, dopo di lei - man holding the door for a woman... ladies first!

When you don’t understand and want someone to repeat themselves, you can say Prego? with an upward intonation. This is the equivalent of the English sorry? or pardon?.


Depending on intonation and body language, this is also used to express bewilderment, similar to the English come again? or I beg your pardon?.

Lei è un ignorante! – … prego?
You are ignorant! – … I beg your pardon?

Some other times, but not very often, someone might tell you prego? with an upward intonation, for example a particularly polite waiter at an Italian restaurant. This is no way to say you’re welcome in Italian, but an expression meaning are you ready to order?.

Di nulla, di niente

Words you should knowNulla/niente (nothing)
When to use thisVery common, a bit more polite than prego

Di nulla
It was nothing
Literally: Of nothing

Di niente
It was nothing
Literally: Of nothing

You can use di niente and di nulla to stress that whatever you did was no inconvenience to you.

Grazie per avermi riparato la macchina! – Di nulla!
Thank you for fixing my car! – Don’t mention it!

you're welcome in italian - di nulla - box full of toys and gifts for kids

E di che?

Words you should knowE (and) + che (what, that)
When to use thisMore informal than prego

E di che? could be translated into English as “what for?”.

Ideally, you would use this to stress that doing something was no problem to you and that there’s nothing to be thankful for because your help was almost due.

E di che?
What [are you thankful] for?
Literally: And of what?

Non c’è di che

Words you should knowEsserci (to be there)
When to use thisMore formal than prego

When you want to sound very polite, use non c’è di che. It is more formal than prego and you’ll make a good impression (fare bella figura). Literally, this would be there is nothing of what, so it has to be taken figuratively.

It is the contracted form of non c’è di che ringraziare, which literally means there is nothing to thank for. Since the sentence is missing a vital part, there is no literal translation to English.

Non c’è di che
Don’t mention it

Non c’è (nessun) problema

Words you should knowNessuno (no, any) + problema (problem)
When to use thisMore formal than prego

This comes in two variants: non c’è problema and non c’è nessun problema, and translates to there is no problem.

Non c’è problema
No problem
Literally: There is no problem

Non c’è nessun problema
No problem
Literally: There is no problem

You may also hear the shortened version of this expression, nessun problema, meaning no problem.

Do not translate no problem with no problema or even no problemo. These are WRONG.

Grazie per non aver detto niente ai miei. – Non c’è problema.
Thank you for not saying anything to my parents. – No problem.

you're welcome in italian - non c'è problema

Ci mancherebbe (altro)

Words you should knowMancare (to miss) + altro (other)
When to use thisMore formal than prego

Ci mancherebbe and ci mancherebbe altro are neutral you’re welcome expressions. They are not used as often as prego or di nulla, but you will still hear them often enough. They can be used in informal settings, but you will more commonly hear then in formal situations.

Ci mancherebbe
Don’t mention it, my pleasure
Literally: There would miss (other)

Ci mancherebbe altro
Don’t even mention it, my pleasure
Literally: There would miss something else

You’re stressing that there’s no other way things could have unfolded. You were basically obliged to help that person.

Grazie di avermi ascoltato. – Ci mancherebbe altro.
Thank you for listening to me. – Don’t even mention it.

man complimenting a kid - how do you say you're welcome in italian - ci mancherebbe altro!

Figurati, si figuri

Words you should knowFigurare (to imagine)
When to use thisComes in two variants, polite and informal

Figurati is used in informal situations only. Si figuri is used in formal contexts only.

They are based off of the verb figurarsi, to imagine oneself. This is the puzzling way to say you’re welcome in Italian that we’ve seen at the beginning of our lesson. Taken literally, it makes no sense at all as it’s a figure of speech.

Don’t mention it, no problem
Literally: Figure/imagine yourself

Grazie per avermi dato un passaggio. – Figurati.
Thank you for giving me a ride. – Don’t mention it.

Figurati is very common between friends, almost as common as prego.

You can use si figuri in any formal situation as it is very polite. Don’t use figurati when talking to strangers because it’s informal.

Si figuri
Don’t mention it
Literally: Figure/imagine yourself

These expressions aren’t only used to translate you’re welcome in Italian. When a friend thanks you for a gift, for example, replying with figurati is much more common than with prego.

Grazie del regalo! – Figurati!
Thanks for the gift! – Don’t mention it!

you're welcome in italian - grazie del regalo

Figurati / si figuri are also used when you want to convey the message that you did something out of pleasure.

Grazie per avermi aiutato! – Figurati!
Thanks for helping me! – Don’t mention it!

Finally, you can also use them instead of thanks to politely refuse an offer by a friend.

Vuoi che ti accompagni fino a casa? – Ma no, figurati!
Do you want me to accompany you home? – No, don’t even mention it!

Ma figurati is no way to say you’re welcome in Italian. When you hear this expression, the speaker is actually conveying disbelief, similar to the English please! when accompanied by rolling eyes.

Pensi che Marco abbia pulito i piatti? – Ma figurati!
Do you think Marco washed the dishes? – Please!

Laura avrà finito i compiti? – Ma figurati!
Will Laura have finished her homework? – Please!

Per così poco

Words you should knowPoco (little)
When to use thisNot very common, but universal

Per così poco literally translates to for so little and you use it when you want to convey the message that you did something out of kindness and it was only natural for you to do it.

Per così poco
Don’t mention it
Literally: For so little

Ma ti pare!

Words you should knowParare (to seem, to look like)
When to use thisOnly in informal settings

This is an informal way to say you’re welcome in Italian. It comes from parere, to seem. Translated into English, this doesn’t make any sense at all: but do you figure!.

This expression has a hidden meaning: ma ti pare che ci sia da ringraziare? or ma ti pare che sia il caso di ringraziarmi?, translating to does it look like to you that there is anything to be thankful for?.

You’re basically stressing that there’s absolutely no need to say thank you for what you’ve done.

Ma ti pare!
Don’t mention it!
Literally: But do you figure!

Ma scherzi!

Words you should knowScherzare (to joke)
When to use thisOnly in informal settings

Ma scherzi! is an exclamation that comes from the verb scherzare, meaning to joke. It is suitable to use only in informal situations.

If we wanted to use this in a formal setting, the polite version of it would be ma scherza!, but no such customary expression exists to say you’re welcome in Italian.

Ma scherzi!
Don’t mention it!
Literally: But are you joking!

È stato un piacere

Words you should knowPiacere (pleasure)
When to use thisCommon in formal settings

Finally, we have è stato un piacere, which literally means it has been a pleasure, from piacere meaning pleasure.

This one is more commonly used in formal situations, but sometimes you can hear it among friends as well. It is also common to hear it along with other ways to say you are welcome in Italian.

È stato un piacere
It was a pleasure

Grazie per l’aiuto! – Figurati, è stato un piacere.
Thank you for your help! – You’re welcome, it was my pleasure.

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