Wake up!

How do you say wake up in Italian?


Words you should knowSvegliarsi (to wake oneself up)
When to use thisWith 1 person you’re familiar with
When NOT to use thisWith strangers (doh!) and groups

Wake up! (singular, informal)

Svegliati, Gabriele! Farai tardi a scuola!
Wake up, Gabriele! You’ll be late for school!

Svegliati, sono già le otto passate!
Wake up, it’s already past eight o’clock!

boy struggling to wake up

Svegliarsi is a reflexive verb. Svegliati is the second-person singular conjugation of svegliarsi in the imperative mood.

Imperative mood conjugation of svegliarsi

lui, leisi svegli
lorosi sveglino

For example, you can say…

Svegliati un po’! Non puoi farti sempre ingannare dalle persone!
Wake up for a change! You can’t always let people fool you!

Che si sveglino. Non hanno più cinque anni.
They need to wake up. They are no longer five years old.


When to use thisWith a group of people
When NOT to use thisWith strangers (doh!) and 1 person at a time

Wake up! (plural)

Italian, unlike English, has two forms of “you”. There’s a singular “you” (tu) and then there’s a plural “you” (voi). If you are addressing a group, you must conjugate any verb or pronoun accordingly.

If you take a closer look at the conjugation table above, you will see that the conjugation for the subject pronoun voi is svegliatevi!

Svegliatevi, bambini. È pronta la colazione.
Wake up, children. Breakfast is ready.

two kids having breakfast

Si svegli!

When to use thisWith 1 person you’re NOT familiar with
When NOT to use thisWith friends, family and groups

When speaking formally, Italians address each other with the subject “she”, lei. Use Lei in the written form if you want to be very polite.

Si svegli!
Wake up! (polite)

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