How do you say trust me in Italian?
Fidati di me!
Words you should know | Fidarsi (to trust oneself) + me (me) |
When to use this | With 1 person you’re familiar with |
When NOT to use this | With strangers and groups |
Fidati di me!
Trust me! (singular, informal)
Fidati di me, non ti deluderò.
Trust me, I will not let you down.
Fidati di me, Vincenzo. Finirò il lavoro in meno che non si dica.
Trust me, Vincenzo. I will finish the job in no time.
Fidati is the second-person singular conjugation of fidarsi, to trust, in the imperative mood.
Imperative mood conjugation of fidarsi
io | — |
tu | fidati |
lui, lei | si fidi |
noi | fidiamoci |
voi | fidatevi |
loro | si fidino |
For example, you can say…
Fidiamoci del loro giudizio, ragazzi. Non hanno mai sbagliato!
Let’s trust their judgment, guys. They have never been wrong!
Fidati di quello che ti dico. Dobbiamo andare subito via da qui.
Trust what I’m telling you. We have to get out of here right now.
Fidatevi di me!
When to use this | With a group of people |
When NOT to use this | With strangers and 1 person at a time |
Fidatevi di me!
Trust me! (plural)
Italian, unlike English, has two forms of “you”. There’s a singular “you” (tu) and then there’s a plural “you” (voi). If you are addressing a group, you must conjugate any verb or pronoun accordingly.
Fidatevi di me, so quello che faccio.
Trust me, I know what I am doing.
Si fidi di me!
When to use this | With 1 person you’re NOT familiar with |
When NOT to use this | With friends, family and groups |
When speaking formally, Italians address each other with the subject “she”, lei. Use Lei in the written form if you want to be very polite.
Si fidi di me!
Trust me! (polite)
For example, you can say…
Si fidi di me, signor Rossi. Finirò il lavoro in men che non si dica.
Trust me, Mr. Rossi. I will finish the job in no time.
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