How do you say sweet dreams in Italian?
Sogni d’oro
Sogni d’oro, literally “golden dreams”, is how you translate sweet dreams in Italian.
The ñ sound is the same as in the Spanish word piraña.
Sogni d’oro!
Sweet dreams!

You read that right: it’s golden dreams (oro is gold), not sweet dreams. Sweet is translated as dolce in Italian, but we don’t usually wish people dolci sogni. There are no sugary dreams in Italian!
Buona notte e sogni d’oro, amore.
Good night and sweet dreams, love.
Types of dreams in Italian
Sogno ricorrente
Recurring dream
Sogno premonitore
Prophetic dream
Sogno lucido
Lucid dream

For example, you can say…
Have you ever had a recurring dream?
Hai mai fatto un sogno ricorrente?
È stato un sogno premonitore.
It was a prophetic dream.
Un sogno lucido è un sogno in cui si è consapevoli di stare sognando.
A lucid dream is any dream in which you are aware that you are dreaming.
Nightmare is translated as incubo.
The nightmare
Quando è stata l’ultima volta che hai avuto un incubo?
When was the last time you had a nightmare?

If you are aloof, you may engage in an activity called daydreaming. This is translated as a verb in Italian, but its literal meaning is quite different.
Sognare a occhi aperti
To daydream
Literally: To dream with open eyes

Your eyes are open when you’re wide awake, that’s why you daydream with your eyes open! 🙂
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