How do you say it in Italian?
Cogli l’attimo!
Cogli l’attimo is how you most commonly translate seize the moment in Italian. It’s an informal singular expression and it’s not common to hear it in formal settings, so only use this when talking to a friend, a relative or someone you know well.
Cogli l’attimo!
Seize the moment! (singular, informal)
For example, you can say…
Cogli l’attimo, la fortuna non rimarrà in eterno.
Seize the moment; luck will not stay forever.
There’s a funny old Fiat Punto commercial featuring this expression. Go watch it!
Cogli is the second-person singular conjugation of cogliere, to grab, to pick up or to notice, in the imperative mood.
For example, you can say…
Cogli al volo qualsiasi opportunità!
Seize any opportunity!
Cogliete una margherita e cominciate a contarne i petali!
Pick up a daisy and begin to count its petals! (plural you)
Carpe diem
Carpe diem is another way you can translate seize the moment in Italian. Actually, this is how the expression itself was born, because this is the Latin quote for “seize the day” by the Roman poet Horace.
Carpe diem
Trust me! (plural)
To this day, the Italian verb carpire means “to swipe, to pilfer”. So carpe diem and keep learning Italian!
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