How do you say it in Italian?
Riposa in pace
Words you should know | Riposare (to rest) + pace (peace) |
When to use this | With 1 person you’re familiar with |
When NOT to use this | With strangers and groups |
Riposa in pace
Rest in peace (informal)
For example, you can say…
Riposa in pace, nonno. Ci manchi tanto.
Rest in peace, grandpa. We miss you very much.

Riposare in pace is how online translators usually translate rest in pace. The problem is that riposare is an infinitive verb, and you’re probably looking for the imperative mood conjugation of the verb. Beware of online translators when it comes to important sentences that may be carved on stone!
Riposa is the second-person singular imperative conjugation of riposare, to rest.
Riposino in pace
Riposino in pace is how you translate rest in peace in Italian when you are addressing more than one person. This is the form that is used in a very specific prayer that is recited during il giorno di Ognissanti, All Saint’s Day: L’Eterno riposo.
Riposino in pace
Rest in peace (plural)

L’Eterno riposo
The Eternal Rest
L’eterno riposo dona a loro, o Signore,
e splenda ad essi la luce perpetua.
Riposino in pace.
Grant them eternal rest, oh Lord,
And may perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.
You wish for dear people, wishing for them, to rest in peace.
May he/she rest in peace
There’s only one other translation for rest in peace in Italian that it’s important to know, and that’s the one using the third-person singular verb conjugation of riposare.
If you paid attention to the imperative table above, you’ll know that the correct imperative form is riposi.
Riposi in pace
(May he/she) rest in peace (third-person singular)

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