Of course in Italian

How exactly do you say of course in Italian?

Let’s say a friend just asked you if they can borrow your pen, for example. How can you stress that you are happy to lend it to him?

Of course!

Of course!

This lesson will be useful to learn all the different ways you can translate of course into Italian. (Yes, there’s more than one!)

Let’s start! Iniziamo!

How do you say of course in Italian?


Certo is how you most commonly translate of course into Italian. Literally, this is an adjective and it means certain.

Of course!
Literally: Certain!

An uncommon and rather old-fashioned variant of certo is certamente, which is an adverb that means certainly.

Of course
Literally: Certainly

Title: Italian All-in-One For Dummies
Language: English / Italian
Publisher: For Dummies
Pages: 672

Learn to speak Italian like a native? Easy.
Italian All-in-One For Dummies appeals to those readers looking for a comprehensive, all-encompassing guide to mastering the Italian language. It contains content from all For Dummies Italian language instruction titles, including Italian For Dummies, Intermediate Italian For Dummies, Italian Verbs For Dummies, Italian Phrases For Dummies, Italian Grammar For Dummies, and Italian For Dummies Audio Set.

For example, you could say…

Luca, mi presti un secondo la tua penna? – Certo!
Luca, can I borrow your pen for a second? – Of course!

Dario, posso usare il tuo libro? – Sì, certamente.
Dario, can I use your book? – Yes, of course.

Certo che ti aiuterò.
I will help you, of course.

doctor helping a man dressing up with a brown jacket


Naturalmente is another common way to say of course in Italian, but it’s not as common as certo and it’s also a bit more formal. Literally, this is an adverb with the meaning of naturally.

Of course
Literally: Naturally

For example, you could say…

Lei sa parlare l’inglese, naturalmente.
She can speak English, of course.

Naturalmente accettai l’invito alla festa.
Of course I accepted the invitation to the party.

Scherzo, naturalmente.
I’m joking, of course.

giggling woman with her hands covering her mouth - how do you say of course in italian


Ovvio is yet another common way to say of course in Italian. It is not as formal as naturalmente, but it’s almost as common as certo. It’s an adjective meaning obvious.

Of course
Literally: Naturally

Please note that ovvio is used a bit differently than certo. You can use certo to reply “of course” to someone who asks for something you have, for example…

Mi passi il sale? – Certo.
Can you pass me the salt? – Of course.

But you will use ovvio to translate obviously, so it’s a bit unnatural to use it as an answer to “can you pass me the salt?” because it’s a “confirmation” of a statement.

Luca è uscito senza neanche salutare? – Ovvio.
Luca went out without even saying goodbye? – Of course.

salt container with a red cap

You can also used its adverb form just as in certo/certamente, which is ovviamente, meaning obviously. Just remember that ovviamente, just like ovvio, is used to confirm a statement.

Of course
Literally: Obviously

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Sicuro literally translates to sure and it can be used to translate of course in Italian in the same cases you would use ovvio and ovviamente.

Of course
Literally: Sure

For example, you could say…

Martina sarà andata alla festa? – Sicuro, non c’è nemmeno bisogno di chiederlo.
Will Martina have gone to the party? – Of course, you don’t even have to ask.

A variant for sicuro is sicuramente, which means surely.

Of course
Literally: Surely

For example, you could say…

Pensi che Marco tornerà prima di pranzo? – Sicuramente, non salta mai un pasto.
Do you think Marco will be back before lunch? – Sure, he never misses a meal.

And that’s it, now you know how to say of course in Italian in all its forms!

What next?

Now that you’ve seen how to say of course in Italian, you might want to keep learning Italian online with these free Italian resources:

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