No problem in Italian

How exactly do you say no problem in Italian?

Let’s say you did your Italian friend a favor, and they say grazie to you. You can either go for a standard prego, you’re welcome, but you maybe want to emphasize that whatever you did was no inconvenience, fastidio, to you.

Il problema
The problem

This lesson will be useful to learn all the different ways you can translate no problem in Italian. (Yes, there’s more than one!)

Let’s get started! Iniziamo!

old woman glaring at another woman

How do you say no problem in Italian

Nessun problema

The direct translation for no problem in Italian is nessun problema and unlike English, it can be used in any context, informal or formal.

This expression is made up of two words: nessuno, which means nobody, nothing, and problema, which obviously means problem.

Nessun problema
No problem

You will never hear it as “nessuno problema”. This is because nessuno must be truncated to nessun before any masculine word that begins with a consonant other than gn-, ps-, x-, s- and z.
Nessuno problema is WRONG!

Grazie per il passaggio. – Nessun problema!
Thanks for the ride. – No problem!

Ho lasciato le chiavi a casa! – Nessun problema, ho io una copia di scorta.
I left my keys at home! – No problem, I have a spare copy.

key wallet

Other ways to say no problem in Italian

Non c’è problema

Non c’è problema is a slightly more polite alternative to nessun problema, but means exactly the same thing.

It literally translates to “there isn’t a problem”.

Non c’è problema
No problem

Ho dovuto parcheggiare in fondo alla via. – Non c’è problema, andremo a piedi.
I had to park down the street. – No problem, we’ll walk.

two men walking

Figurati / Si figuri

Figurati is only used in informal situations. Si figuri is only used in formal situations.

They are based on the verb figurarsi, to imagine oneself. Taken literally, it doesn’t make any sense because it’s a figure of speech.

Don’t mention it, no problem
Literally: Figure/imagine yourself

Figurati is very common among friends, almost as common as nessun problema.

Title: Italian All-in-One For Dummies
Language: English / Italian
Publisher: For Dummies
Pages: 672

Learn to speak Italian like a native? Easy.
Italian All-in-One For Dummies appeals to those readers looking for a comprehensive, all-encompassing guide to mastering the Italian language. It contains content from all For Dummies Italian language instruction titles, including Italian For Dummies, Intermediate Italian For Dummies, Italian Verbs For Dummies, Italian Phrases For Dummies, Italian Grammar For Dummies, and Italian For Dummies Audio Set.

You can use si figuri in any formal situation because it is very polite. Don’t use figurati when talking to strangers, because it’s informal.

Si figuri
Don’t mention it
Literally: Figure/imagine yourself

These expressions aren’t just used to translate no problem in Italian. For example, when a friend thanks you for a gift, it is very common to reply with figurati.

Grazie del regalo! – Figurati!
Thank you for the gift! – Don’t mention it!

you're welcome in italian - grazie del regalo

Figurati and si figuri are also used when you want to convey the message that you did something out of pleasure.

Grazie per avermi aiutato! – Figurati!
Thanks for helping me! – Don’t mention it!

Finally, you can also use them instead of thank you to politely decline an offer from a friend.

Vuoi che ti accompagni fino a casa? – Ma no, figurati!
Do you want me to walk/drive you home? – No, don’t even mention it!

Ma figurati is not always used to say no problem in Italian. When you hear this expression, the speaker may actually be conveying disbelief, similar to the English please! when accompanied by rolling eyes.

Pensi che Marco abbia pulito i piatti? – Ma figurati!
Do you think Marco did the dishes? – Oh please!

thinking woman - ma figurati!

Non ti preoccupare / Non si preoccupi

Non ti preoccupare is used in informal situations, while non si preoccupi is used when you want to sound respectful and polite.

They both come from the reflexive verb preoccuparsi, which means to worry (oneself).

Non ti preoccupare
Don’t worry (informal)

Non si preoccupi
Don’t worry (formal)

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Non fa niente / Non importa

Non fa niente and non importa are used as a response to someone who says they are sorry. Non importa directly translates to “it doesn’t matter”, while non fa niente literally means “it doesn’t do anything”.

Non fa niente
It doesn’t matter

Non importa
It doesn’t matter

That’s the end of our lesson! Now you know how to pronounce all the different ways to say no problem in Italian! Start testing them right away with your Italian friends.

What next?

Now that you’ve seen how to say no problem in Italian, you might want to keep learning Italian online with these free Italian resources:

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