How do you say mind your own business in Italian?
Fatti gli affari tuoi!
Words you should know | Farsi (to do oneself) + affare (business, deal) + tuo (your/s) |
When to use this | With 1 person you’re familiar with |
When NOT to use this | With strangers (doh!) and groups |
Use this with your friends and your Uncle Sam, DO NOT use this with strangers. The sentence itself is very rude, and using fatti gli affari tuoi makes it sound even more rude!
Fatti gli affari tuoi!
Mind your own business!
(singular, informal)
Fatevi gli affari vostri!
When to use this | With a group of people |
When NOT to use this | With strangers (doh!) and 1 person at a time |
Fatevi gli affari vostri
Mind your own business
In Italian, unlike English, there are two kinds of “you”. There is a singular “you” and then there is a plural “you”. If you are addressing a group, you will need to conjugate any verb or pronoun accordingly.
Si faccia gli affari suoi!
When to use this | With 1 person you’re NOT familiar with |
When NOT to use this | With friends, family and groups |
When speaking formally, Italians address each other with the subject “she”, lei. Use Lei in the written form if you want to be very polite.
Si faccia gli affari suoi!
Mind your own business!
(singular, polite)
Of course, you can add a per favore, please, but that does not make it sound any friendlier…
Si faccia gli affari suoi, per favore!
Mind your own business please!
(singular, polite)
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