How do you say I want in Italian?
Voglio is the most common way to translate the sentence I want in Italian.
I want…
For example, you can say…
Voglio andare in vacanza a Roma.
I want to go on vacation to Rome.
Voglio che porti le tue cose fuori da questa stanza.
I want you to take your things out of this room.
Voglio quel giocattolo, mamma!
I want that toy, mommy!

Voglio can be quite direct, if not downright rude, to use in everyday speech. If you are in a restaurant or other public place and want to order something, use vorrei, the conditional form of volere, which translates the English expression I would like.
The many functions of I want in Italian
Voglio can introduce several things.
It can express a wish:
Voglio un nuovo computer!
I want a new computer!
Voglio cambiare le tende del salotto.
I want to change the curtains in the living room.
It can express a will:
Voglio finire questo disegno oggi!
I want to finish this drawing today!
Voglio smettere di bere entro fine anno.
I want to stop drinking by the end of the year.
And it can introduce a command.
Non voglio che tu vada in discoteca domani sera.
I don’t want you to go to a disco tomorrow night.
Voglio che riordini camera tua entro stasera.
I want you to tidy up your room by tonight.

Desidero comes from the verb desiderare, to wish, and it’s a less common translation for I want in Italian. It’s a little more polite than voglio and you can use it in public places as well. It’s often used by shopkeepers to mean “what can I help you with?”.
I want, I would like…
For example, you might hear…
Che cosa desidera?
What can I help you with?
Literally: What do you desire?
Desidero cambiare questo vestito che ho comprato ieri.
I wish to change this dress that I bought yesterday.
Desidero prenotare un tavolo per stasera.
I wish to reserve a table for tonight.

Ho voglia di…
Ho voglia di is an untranslatable Italian expression meaning I’m in the mood for or I feel like. It literally means “I have (a) want of” and it can translate I want in Italian where you want to express a temporary desire for something, like an ice cream or a walk in the park.
Ho voglia di…
I’m in the mood for…
For example, you can say:
Ho voglia di mangiare un enorme gelato al cioccolato.
I feel like eating a huge chocolate ice cream.
No, non ho voglia di una passeggiata.
No, I’m not in the mood for a walk.
Ho voglia di una pizza. Andiamo in pizzeria stasera?
I feel like (eating) a pizza. Shall we go to a pizzeria tonight?

Mi va
Mi va is another common translation for I want in Italian, and it could literally be translated as “it goes to me”. It translates the English expression “I feel like”.
Mi va…
I feel like…
For example, you can say:
Mi va di mangiare fuori domani a pranzo.
I feel like going out for lunch tomorrow.
Io faccio quello che mi va!
I do what I feel like!
Non mi va di andare al cinema stasera.
I don’t feel like going to the movies tonight.
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