How exactly do you say have fun in Italian?
In this lesson, we will take a look at the different ways you can translate this sentence into Italian. Read on to learn them all!
Let’s start! Iniziamo!
How do you say have fun in Italian?
Singular: Divertiti!
Divertiti! is how you translate have fun into Italian when you are talking to only one person.
Have fun! (singular)

This common sentence in Italian is made of two elements.
You enjoy (imperative)
Esco, vado alla festa. – Divertiti!
I’m going out to the part. – Have fun!
Divertiti questa estate!
Have fun this summer!
Have fun doesn’t translate as an expression in Italian but as a verb. Literally translating this expression as “avere divertimento“, using the verb avere (to have) and the noun divertimento (fun) is wrong!
So, let’s concentrate on the verb.
Title: Italian All-in-One For Dummies
Language: English / Italian
Publisher: For Dummies
Pages: 672
Learn to speak Italian like a native? Easy.
Italian All-in-One For Dummies appeals to those readers looking for a comprehensive, all-encompassing guide to mastering the Italian language. It contains content from all For Dummies Italian language instruction titles, including Italian For Dummies, Intermediate Italian For Dummies, Italian Verbs For Dummies, Italian Phrases For Dummies, Italian Grammar For Dummies, and Italian For Dummies Audio Set.
Divertiti is a second person singular conjugation of divertirsi, to enjoy oneself, in the imperative mood. Divertirsi is what Italians call verbo riflessivo, reflexive verb, and is derived from the standard divertire, to entertain.
La spiaggia è un luogo ideale per lasciare che i bambini si divertano.
A beach is an ideal place for letting children have fun.
Its imperative mood and present tense conjugations are as follows.
Imperative mood conjugation for divertirsi
io | — |
tu | divertiti |
lui, lei | si diverta |
noi | divertiamoci |
voi | divertitevi |
loro | si divertano |
Divertiamoci un po’!
Let’s have some fun!
Divertiti in piscina!
Have fun at the swimming pool!

Present tense conjugation for divertirsi
io | mi diverto |
tu | ti diverti |
lui, lei | si diverte |
noi | ci divertiamo |
voi | vi divertite |
loro | si divertono |
Giulia si diverte sull’altalena.
Giulia has fun on the swing.
I bambini si divertono a inseguire le farfalle.
The children have fun chasing butterflies.

Plural: Divertitevi!
Divertitevi! is how you translate have fun in Italian when you are talking to two or more people. This is because Italian has a singular “you” and a plural “you” (and even a formal “you”, but you won’t need it here!).
Have fun! (plural)
Yet again, the sentence is only made up of a conjugation of the verb divertirsi.
You enjoy (imperative)
Divertitevi in Australia.
Have fun in Australia.
Mamma, usciamo. Torneremo stasera. – Divertitevi!
Mom, we’re going out. We’ll be back tonight. – Have a good time!

The formal version of have fun in Italian would be si diverta!
General: Buon divertimento!
Buon divertimento is made up of two parts, an adverb and a noun:
- buono, shortened into buon in front of a number of consonants (such as d-)
- divertimento, a masculine noun (il divertimento) translating to “fun”
You can use it to translate have fun in Italian in all kinds of situations, both informal and formal. It’s a generic greeting, so you can address one person or groups of people and the sentence won’t change.
Buon divertimento!
Have fun! (generic)
And that’s it, now you know how to say have fun in Italian in all its forms!
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