Words you should know | Chiamare (to call) + mi (to me) |
When to use this | With 1 person you’re familiar with |
When NOT to use this | With strangers (doh!) and groups |
Call me! (singular, informal)
For example, you can say…
Chiamami prima di cena.
Call me before dinner.
Se ci sono problemi, chiamami a qualsiasi ora.
If there are any problems, call me at any time.
When to use this | With a group of people |
When NOT to use this | With 1 person at a time |
Call me! (plural)
Italian, unlike English, has two forms of “you”. There’s a singular “you” (tu) and then there’s a plural “you” (voi). If you are addressing a group, you must conjugate any verb or pronoun accordingly.
Chiamatemi domani mattina.
Call me tomorrow morning.
Mi chiami!
When to use this | With 1 person you’re NOT familiar with |
When NOT to use this | With friends, family and groups |
When speaking formally, Italians address each other with the subject “she”, lei. Use Lei in the written form if you want to be very polite.
Mi chiami!
Call me! (polite)
For example, you can say…
Signor Rossi, mi chiami poco prima di cominciare la riunione.
Mr. Rossi, call me just before the meeting starts.
More free Italian resources
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