Paese che vai usanza che trovi

Common Italian expression

Literal translationCountry you go, custom you find
English translationWhen in Rome, do as the Romans do
MeaningCustoms change from place to place


Ogni Paese ha le proprie tradizioni che vanno rispettate. Paese che vai, usanza che trovi!Every country has its own traditions that should be respected. When in Rome, do as the Romans do!

Where does this idiom come from?

This proverb has no exact origin, but its use can be traced back for centuries. It was true in ancient times because traditions were much more diverse than they are today. Globalization over the years has “flattened” our customs so that many countries now share a number of traditions.

worldmap in green
  • andare (to go)
  • trovare (to find)
  • paese (country)
  • usanza (custom)

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