Crescere a vista d’occhio

Crescere a vista d’occhio in Italian

Literal translationTo grow at the sight of an eye
MeaningTo grow larger and larger by the second
IPA pronunciation/ˈkreʃːere a ˈvista ˈdɔkkjo/

Crescere a vista d’occhio
To grow very quickly, by leaps and bounds

Where does this come from? If something grows as you watch it, it means its growth speed (velocità) is so great your eye can measure it.

small man vs a giant sordier in golden armor

For example, you can say…

Ma come sei diventato grande, Federico! Cresci davvero a vista d’occhio.
How big you have grown, Federico! You are really growing by leaps and bounds.

L’alluvione ha fatto esondare il fiume e il fango è cresciuto a vista d’occhio.
The flood caused the river to overflow, and the mud has grown very quickly.

  • Crescere (to grow)
  • Vista (sight)
  • Occhio (eye)
  • A (preposition)
  • Di (preposition)
  • Prepositions
  • All Italian expressions

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