Potere and riuscire are often confused by learners of Italian because they translate as “can”. But they are not the same. Let’s see how they are used with some example sentences.
Potere in Italian: How to use it
Potere means “to be able to”. It describes an ability you have or don’t have, something you choose to do or not to do, or something that you are not allowed to do. Unlike riuscire, potere is also a modal verb. This means that it can be followed by an infinitive verb.
To be able to, can
Potere is used to describe:
- the permission to do something
- an ability (the power to do something)
- a choice to do something

For example, you can say…
Puoi chiudere la finestra?
Can you close the window?
Posso aiutarti a finire i compiti, se vuoi.
I can help you finish your homework if you want.
Puoi prendere il pacco sulla sedia?
Can you get the package on the chair?
Non ho ancora 18 anni, quindi non posso guidare.
I am not yet 18, so I cannot drive.
Some very common expressions with potere in Italian are…
- non poterci credere, to not be able to believe sth
- volere è potere, where there’s a will there’s a way
- poter fare a meno di, can do without sth
- non poter soffrire, to be unable to stand sth/sb

Riuscire in Italian: How to use it
Riuscire, on the other hand, is used to describe something you can or can’t do because of a personal limit, not because of your will.
Unlike potere, riuscire cannot be used directly with an infinitive verb. It must be followed first by the preposition a, then by an infinitive verb. It translates “to be able to, to manage, can” and describes something you are able or unable to do, no matter how hard you try.
To be able to, can
For example, you can say…
Non riesco ad aprire questa bottiglia. Puoi aiutarmi?
I can’t open this bottle. Can you help me?
Non riesco a correre veloce come te.
I can’t run as fast as you.
Sono riuscito a prendere l’autobus in tempo.
I managed to catch the bus in time.
Non riesco a capire. Puoi ripetere?
I can’t understand. Can you repeat?

Another difference between potere and riuscire in Italian is that riuscire is also used to translate “to succeed” with the expression riuscirci, literally “to succeed at there”. For example:
Ci sono riuscito!
I did it!
Sei riuscito a scavalcare il muro? – Sì, ci sono riuscito!
Were you able to climb over the wall? – Yes, I did (it)!
Potere and riuscire: Let’s recap the difference
The main difference between potere and riuscire in Italian is the following:
Potere | Modal verb; “can” as “I’m allowed to, I have the will to do” |
Riuscire | “Can” as “I have the personal ability to do” |
I hope that potere and riuscire will have no secrets for you from now on! 😊
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