Difference between gran and grande

Gran and grande are often confused by Italian learners because they translate “big”. However, they are not the same. Let’s see how to use both with some example sentences.

Gran in Italian: How to use it

Gran is usually used before nouns that begin with a single consonant. It never comes after a noun. It’s basically the contracted form of grande and grandi (plural form of grande).

Big, great

For example, you can say…

Ho combinato un gran pasticcio.
I made a big mess.

You can’t say: pasticcio gran.

Luca è un gran lettore.
Luca is a heavy reader.

L’auto sta correndo a gran velocità.
The car is running at great speed.

I miei nonni sono dei gran lavoratori.
My grandparents are hard workers.

group of 5 hard workers

It’s important to remember that gran is not mandatory. It’s just a common contraction, especially in spoken language. You can say grande velocità and grandi lavoratori without any problem.

You must also remember that you can’t use gran in front of nouns starting with certain consonants and clusters (sc-, st-, ps-, gn-, -z). You can’t say gran strada, but only grande strada.

Gran is only ever mandatory when used in common expressions that include this word. Some of them are:

  • essere al gran completo, to be full (eg. fully booked)
  • di gran lunga, by a great deal
  • gran parte di, great part of
  • a gran voce, out loud

Grande in Italian: How to use it

Grande, on the other hand, can be placed anywhere around a noun. It doesn’t matter if the noun is masculine or feminine, because grande is interchangeable.

One big difference between gran and grande in Italian is that grande can be used before vowels and all kinds of consonants. In front of plural nouns, it becomes grandi.

Big, great

Beethoven è stato un grande compositore.
Beethoven was a great composer.

beethoven writing a letter

For example, you can say…

Mi sei stato di grande aiuto.
You have been a great help to me.

Ho una grande casa con un ampio giardino.
I have a big house with a large garden.

Leoni e tigri sono grandi felini.
Lions and tigers are big cats.

Grande can be shortened to grand’, with an apostrophe, in front of singular nouns that begin with a vowel. However, this is not common.

Il signor Rossi è davvero un grand’uomo.
Mr. Rossi is indeed a great man.

Another difference between gran and grande in Italian is that grande, when used after a noun, also means “big” in a physical sense.

Un grande uomo, un grand’uomo
A noble man

Un uomo grande
A big, tall man

tiger facing the reader

Gran and grande: Let’s recap

The main difference between gran and grande in Italian is the following:

GranUsed before nouns that begin with a single consonant
GrandeUsed before all kinds of nouns

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