Italian culture
What kind of world would it be if you couldn’t call people names? No, wait, that’s not how it should read… Let me try again.
Che mondo sarebbe se… you couldn’t call people by their names? There, much better now.
If you want to start calling Italians by their names (and not calling them names), you need to learn how to introduce yourself in Italian. If that’s your goal, this lesson is for you!

How to introduce yourself
Pleased/nice (to meet you).
Literally: Pleasure
Piacere di conoscerti.
Nice to meet you.
Literally: Pleasure to getting to know you.

Italians enjoy getting to know people, not meeting them!
(Meeting people may not always be a pleasant experience after all, especially on public transport during the hottest Italian summer months…)
Mi chiamo Sara.
I’m Sara.
Literally: I call myself Sara.
Io mi chiamo Laura, e tu?
I’m Laura, and you?

Io means I, first person singular. Chiamarsi is what Italians call a reflexive verb, verbo riflessivo. Let’s just say for now that this verb translates to to call oneself.
Io sono Giulia, piacere.
I’m Giulia, nice to meet you.
Il piacere è tutto mio.
Pleasure is all mine.
Io sono literally means I am. It comes from the irregular verb essere, to be.
Il mio nome è…
My name is…

This is rather uncommon nowadays, to the point of sounding almost artificial. Natives will use Mi chiamo… 99% of the time. (The remaining 1% who use Il mio nome è… are either time travelers or reptiles in disguise, so beware).
More free Italian resources
You might want to keep learning Italian online with these free Italian resources:
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