Top 3 funny Italian commercials

Italian culture

Everyone enjoys a clever commercial on TV. And if you’re studying Italian, what better way to enhance your language skills than by watching some funny Italian commercials?

In this article, you will find 3 funny Italian commercials that will have you hysterically laughing.

You will find the complete transcript and translation for each spot along with a few interesting Italian words and expressions you might want to learn.

Enjoy! 😉

1. Funny Italian commercials: Fiat Punto

This is an old one, but it’s so brilliant people still remember this nowadays. If you happen to ask an average Italian what funny Italian commercials are there, there’s a pretty good chance this one will come up.

What happens here? You will see an angry woman screaming on the phone. A man – her neighbor – is listening to her from the apartment below hers…

The moral of this commercial is: cogli l’attimo! Seize the moment!

It’s interesting to know that this is actually a car commercial.

Funny Italian commercials: Fiat Punto – Transcript
👩 Girl on the phone
Cosa? Che cosa? È un’ora che ti aspetto!
What? What?! I’ve been waiting for you for an hour!

Non è possibile! Tu non sei al lavoro!
This isn’t possible! You’re not at work!

Ma come, non vieni?
What do you mean, you won’t come?

Ah si? E io sai cosa ti dico?
Oh yeah? Want to know what I’m gonna tell you?

Che adesso esco e vado col primo che incontro!
That I’m going out and having a date with the first [person] I meet!

👨 Neighbor
Good eeevening…

Interesting words and expressions you can learn from this commercial:

Essere al lavoroTo be at work
Andare con una personaTo date someone (informal)
IncontrareTo meet
Cogliere l’attimoTo seize the moment

2. Funny Italian commercials: Buondì Motta

Buondì Motta are famous morning snacks.

This commercial has been in the eye of the storm because of its irreverence and it rightly takes its place in this funny Italian commercials list.

It got so famous so fast that the company producing the Buondì snacks, Motta, created right away a part two of this commercial which you will find next in this article.

As said, this enraged many people when it was first broadcast, mainly parents (mainly moms). Watch the commercial to understand why!

Buondì is a lively way to say good morning in Italian.

Funny Italian commercials: Buondì Motta – The mum

Funny Italian commercials: Buondì Motta – Transcript
👧 Little girl
Mamma, mamma!
Mum, mum!

Vorrei una colazione leggera ma decisamente invitante, che possa coniugare la mia voglia di leggerezza e golosità!
I’d like a light but certainly inviting breakfast which may combine my desire for lightness and delicacy!

👩 Mum
Non esiste una colazione così, cara.
That kind of breakfast doesn’t exist, sweetheart.

Possa un asteroide colpirmi se esis-
May an asteroid hit me if it doe-

Interesting words and expressions you can learn from this commercial:

ConiugareTo combine
ColpireTo hit

Funny Italian commercials: Buondì Motta – The dad

This is the second episode of the Motta commercial. And don’t worry: there’s a third and a fourth episode too because everyone was so hysterical about it at the time!

Funny Italian commercials: Buondì Motta – Transcript
👨 Dad
Hai visto mamma?
Have you seen mum?

👧 Girl
Le avevo chiesto una colazione che coniugasse leggerezza e golosità!
I had asked her for a breakfast that would combine lightness and delicacy!

👨 Dad
Ma lo so anch’io che non esiste una colazione così.
But I too know that no such breakfast exists.

Possa un asteroide un po’ più infuocato di questo colpirmi se esiste.
May a little more scorching asteroid than this hit me if it does.

Interesting words and expressions you can learn from this commercial:

InfuocatoBurning, scorching

Funny Italian commercials: Buondì Motta – The mailman

Mum and Dad are out, what will happen with the mailman? Find out in the next video.

Funny Italian commercials: Buondì Motta – Transcript
Barbecue di prima mattina?
Early morning barbecue?

Non sarebbe meglio una colazione…
Wouldn’t it be better to have a kind of breakfast that…

👧 Girl
… leggera ma decisamente invitante, che coniughi voglia di leggerezza e golosità?
… light but certainly inviting breakfast, that would combine the desire for lightness and delicacy?

📮 Mailman
Esatto, bambina sorridente!
Correct, smiling little girl!

Ma colazioni così mica piovono dal cielo!
But such breakfasts don’t exactly fall from the sky!

Interesting words and expressions you can learn from this commercial:

Di prima mattinaEarly in the morning
Non sarebbe meglio…Wouldn’t it be better…
Bambina sorridenteSmiling little girl
Piovere dal cieloTo fall from the sky

Funny Italian commercials: Buondì Motta – The hospital

The fourth and final episode in this series of funny Italian commercials. Humanity is in for a lethal surprise and you’re in for a very good laugh.

Funny Italian commercials: Buondì Motta – Transcript
👧 Girl
Luminare, luminare, volevo una…
Luminary, luminary, I wanted a…

👨‍⚕️ Doctor
Zitta! Non è il momento, bambina sorridente.
Be quiet! This isn’t the moment, smiling little girl.

Qui la situazione è critica.
The situation is critical here.

Ma se superano la notte, mamma e postino saranno fuori pericolo. E forse anche papà.
But if they pass the night, mum and mailman will be safe. And maybe even dad.

Ho detto basta! Comunque, come uomo di scienza…
I said enough! Anyway, as a man of science…

… io mi domando come sia possibile una simile coincidenza.
… I ask myself how such a coincidence is even possible.

Due asteroidi, vabbè due meteoriti, e una merendina gigante.
Two asteroids, ok well two meteorites, and a giant snack.

Che poi lo so anch’io che una colazione che coniughi leggerezza e golosità… insomma, che una colazione che coniughi leggerezza e golosità… ahahahahah, non esiste.
And then I too know that a breakfast that combines lightness and delicacy… well, that a breakfast that combines lightness and delicacy… hahahahaha, doesn’t exist.

✝️ Priest
Ed ora diamo l’estremo saluto a questi cinque scalognati fratelli che hanno lasciato le loro spoglie mortali prematuramente.
And now we bid a final farewell to these five unlucky brothers who have left their mortal remains prematurely.

Perché tanto dolore, ci chiediamo? Perché? E anch’io da uomo di fede non posso che domandarmi come sia potuta accadere una simile sciagura.
Why so much pain, we wonder? Why? And I too, as a man of faith, cannot but wonder how such a tragedy could happen.

E poi lo sa tutto il mondo che una colazione che coniughi… insomma, lo sa tutto il mondo che una colazione che coniughi leggerezza e golosità… non esiste.
And then the whole world knows that a breakfast that combines … well, the whole world knows that a breakfast that combines lightness and delicacy… does not exist.

😇 God?
No. Nooo, vabbè dai. No, lo fanno apposta. No, no, no, nooo!
No. Nooo, come on. No, they do it on purpose. No, no, no, nooo!

Come fai a dire che non esiste la colazione che coniughi leggerezza e golosità…
How can you say that the breakfast that combines lightness and delicacy doesn’t exist…

C’è, c’è, l’ho inventata io, c’è, è qua! Lucio! Dai no, Lucio, la Terra!
It does, it does, I invented it, it does, it’s here! Lucio! Come on no, Lucio, the Earth!

Lucio, mi è finita la Terra. Luciooo, dove-
Lucio, the Earth died on me. Luciooo, where-

Mi tocca reinstallare la Terra, mi tocca. Universo, stelle, Terra. Nooo!
I have to install the Earth again, I have to. Universe, stars, Earth. Nooo!

Vediamo questa volta quanto tempo ci mettono a distruggersi.
Let’s see how long they take to destroy themselves this time.

Other interesting words and expressions you can learn from these funny Italian commercials:

LuminareAuthority, genius, luminary
Situazione criticaCritical situation
Fuori pericoloOut of danger
Dare l’estremo salutoBid the final farewell
AppostaOn purpose

3. Funny Italian commercials: Amica Chips

Amica Chips is a brand of Italian, well, chips. This spot needs some more context, though.

The man you will see in the video is a very famous Italian “star”, starring in many adult movies.

Now, chips is translated as papatine in Italian, which literally means little potatoes.

Potato in Italian, patata, also happens to be a very, very informal way to address a woman’s private parts.

funny italian commercials - amica chips potatoes

The joke’s on!

It’s no wonder this spot was banned in a day’s time and was never broadcast again, but whoever came up with it – don’t forget to listen to the background music! – is an utter genius.

Funny Italian commercials: Amica Chips – Transcript
Io di patatine ne ho prese tante. Gustose, fragranti.
I took many chips. Tasty, fragrant [chips].

Non ce la faccio a stare senza, le ho provate tutte.
I can’t do without them, I tried them all.

Americane, tedesche, olandesi, con la sorpresa.
American, German, Dutch chips, [chips] with a surprise gadget.

Le mangiavo così, senza tanti complimenti, anche tre alla volta.
I used to eat them as they were, without much ado, even three at a time.

Ma nessuna è come questa.
But no chip is like this one.

Fidati di uno che le ha provate tutte. Amica Chips è la migliore!
Trust a bloke who tried them all. Amica Chips is the best!

Senza tanti complimentiWithout much fuss
Alla voltaAt a time
Fidarsi di qualcunoTo trust someone

So, now that we’ve seen these 3 funny Italian commercials, can you pick your own favorite?

Do you think the Motta and the Amica Chips spots are worth all the resentment they called upon themselves? Or do you think that people overreacted?

What are some funny commercials in your own country? Were they banned?

Feel free to share your opinion in a comment!

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