Ciao! 👋
You may have wondered who is behind the content of this website. Let me introduce myself. My name is Lucia and I’m a freelance translator. I’m a native Italian speaker and I have a Bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages (English and German).
Lingookies is where I share free language resources for learners of Italian. I’m the author of everything you read on these pages.
In addition to studying languages, I also love smelling new books, tracking planets and stars with a telescope, and eating pizza every Saturday night!
Oh, I forgot to mention! In the picture above, which shows me at the Berlin Zoo, I am the hairless primate on the left! 😉
I’d love to hear your ideas for topics you’d like me to talk about, or if you’d like to discuss a collaboration, please don’t hesitate to contact me via the contact page.
I’d be really grateful if you could support Lingookies with a small donation. You can now find a Patreon channel up and running!