
La barca
The boat

La nave
The ship

La fregata
The frigate

La torpediniera
The torpedo boat

Il traghetto
The ferry

ferry with 5 people

Il sommergibile, il sottomarino
The submarine

Il galeone
The galleon

The hydrofoil

La nave da crociera
The cruise ship

Il rompighiaccio
The icebreaker

red icebreaker

La galea
The galley

Il vascello
The vessel

La caravella
The caravel

Il brigantino
The brig

La nave pirata
The pirate ship

cursed pirate ship

Lo scafo
The hull

La prua
The prow

La poppa
The stern

La canoa
The canoe

The porthole

two people on a canoe

Port (left side)

Starboard (right side)

Il ponte
The deck

Below deck

La cabina
The cabin

La plancia
The pilot house

La scialuppa
The lifeboat

an orange lifeboat

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