
Stesso is both an adjective and a pronoun that can be translated into English as “own” or “same”.

Own, same, the same

Stesso in Italian: Examples

Non ripetiamo gli stessi errori commessi in passato.
Let’s not repeat the same mistakes we made before.

Luca mi ha detto la stessa cosa.
Luca told me the same thing.

Vivevo nello stesso condominio di Mirella.
I used to live in the same apartment building as Mirella.

Indossiamo lo stesso vestito!
We are wearing the same dress!

two women wearing the same dress

Stesso in Italian: Different forms

As with all other Italian adjectives, the gender and number of stesso in Italian must match that of the noun it’s referring to. There are 4 different forms of stesso, as shown in the table below.


Masculine nouns use either stesso or stessi, depending on whether the noun is singular or plural.

Feminine nouns use either stessa or stesse, depending on whether the noun is singular or plural.

For example, you can say…

Mio figlio e il tuo viaggiano sullo stesso autobus.
My son and yours are traveling on the same bus.

Abbiamo gli stessi gusti in fatto di musica.
We have the same taste in music.

Mia mamma ha la stessa borsetta.
My mom has the same handbag.

branded goods, watches, purses, a necklace

Using stesso in Italian

Stesso must always be preceded by a definite article. This article matches the gender and the number of the noun it refers to.

Lo stesso tavolo
The same table

La stessa casa
The same house

It’s also common to add a possessive adjective right after the article.

Stiamo guardando il vostro stesso film.
We are watching the same movie as you.

Mio fratello ha i miei stessi occhi castani.
My brother has the same brown eyes as me.

Mia mamma ha la tua stessa capigliatura.
My mom has the same hairstyle as you.

girl with unicorn hair

Stesso in Italian: Expressions

Since stesso is a very common word in Italian, there are many expressions featuring it. Some of these are…

  • fa lo stesso / grazie lo stesso (it doesn’t matter / thanks anyway)
  • allo stesso modo (in the same way)
  • essere dello stesso avviso (to be of the same mind)
  • dello stesso stampo (of the same category)
  • chi è causa del suo mal pianga se stesso (no one to blame but oneself)

– Hai una gomma da masticare?
– No, mi spiace.
– Grazie lo stesso.
– Do you have any chewing gum? – I’m sorry, no. – Thanks anyway.

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