Italian word of the day
Origin | From the Spanish word regalo, referring to gifts to the king |
Translation | Gift |
IPA pronunciation | /reˈgaːlo/ |
Il regalo
The gift
Different forms of regalo
Like most nouns in Italian, regalo has two articles (definite or indefinite articles) and two numbers (singular or plural).
Un regalo
A gift
Dei regali
Some gifts
Il regalo
The gift
I regali
The gifts
Che regalo vuoi per il compleanno? – Nulla di impegnativo.
What kind of gift do you want for your birthday? – Nothing fancy.
I usually throw away unwanted gifts.
Sono solito buttare via i regali sgraditi.
I regali riciclati sono comunque dei regali.
Recycled gifts are still gifts.
Cosa possiamo dare a Luca come regalo di nozze?
What can we give Luke as a wedding gift?
There are a number of common collocations with regalo in Italian. Some of them are…
Regalo indovinato
Spot-on gift
Literally: guessed gift
Regalo scherzoso
Gag gift
Literally: joking gift
Regalo frivolo
Frivolous gift
Regalo riciclato
Recycled gift
Regalo simbolico
Symbolic gift
Regalo d’addio
Parting gift
Regalo di compleanno
Birthday gift
Regalo di Natale
Christmas gift
Regalo di nozze
Wedding gift
Regalo di anniversario
Anniversary gift
Idea regalo
Gift idea
Confezione regalo
Gift box
Carta da regalo
Wrapping paper
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