
Meaning of avete in Italian

Avete is the Italian translation for “you all have”.

OriginFrom the Italian verb avere, “to have”

You all have

Avete is one of the present tense conjugations of the verb avere, which means to have. To be more precise, it’s the second-person plural present tense conjugation of avere, which is a very irregular verb in Italian and means “you all have”.

For example, you can say…

Avete un accendino?
Do you have a lighter?

Cosa avete fatto l’altra sera?
What did you do the other night?

Avete riportato i libri in biblioteca?
Have you returned the books to the library?

Avete visto i miei occhiali?
Have you seen my glasses?

boy looking at his glasses

Using avete in Italian

You probably already know that the indicativo presente (present tense) conjugation for the pronoun io adds the ending -o to the root of the verb, or stem (see note for more info).

What’s the stem of a verb?
Italian infinitive verbs end in -ARE, -ERE and -IRE.
Cut off this part and you are left with the root verb.
sudare ➡️ sud-
credere ➡️ cred-
dormire ➡️ dorm-
Italian verb endings for each tense are added to these root forms of the verb.

Now, how would you conjugate the present tense of avere, “to have”?

Remove the infinitive ending -ere and add -o!

Avere… ➡️ Av-… ➡️ Io avo?

man holding two shopping bags

You may be surprised to learn that the correct conjugation is actually io ho.

This is because avere is an irregular verb. This is also why we will say avete in Italian, and never avo.

That said, let’s look at the present tense conjugation of avere along with its pronunciation.

Present tense conjugation for avere

lui, leiha
group of jogging people

For example, you can say…

Abbiamo perso il nostro cane. Ci aiutate a trovarlo?
We have lost our dog. Can you help us find him?

La squadra ha vinto la finale di campionato.
The team has won the championship final.

A casa ho una libreria stracolma di libri.
I have a bookcase overflowing with books at home.

Hai letto la prima pagina del giornale?
Did you read the front page of the newspaper?

Ho 20 anni.
I am 20 years old.

boy laughing

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