Meaning of addio in Italian
Addio is the Italian translation for farewell.
Origin | From the Latin expression a Dio, “to God” |
Pronunciation | /adˈdiːo/ |
Addio in Italian: Different forms
Like most nouns in Italian, addio has two articles (definite or indefinite articles) and two numbers (singular or plural).
Un addio
A farewell
Degli addii
Some farewells
The farewell
Gli addii
The farewells
Addio in Italian: Related words
Addio in Italian does NOT translate “goodbye”. It has little to do with the Spanish adiós, while it is more akin to the French adieu. An addio is forever, it means parting ways for good. It is somewhat dated and poetic, because it is rarely used in the spoken language. It conveys sadness.
If you want to part ways with somebody you expect to see again soon, such as a coworker, use arrivederci. It literally means “to see ourselves again”.
If you want to greet a friend, a ciao or a alla prossima will suffice as these are common in informal settings.
Ciao! Alla prossima!
Bye! Until next time!
There are two common kinds of addio in Italian:
Addio al celibato
Bachelor party
Addio al nubilato
Bachelorette party
For example, you can say:
La sorpresa che abbiamo preparato per il tuo addio al celibato ti lascerà a bocca aperta!
The surprise we’ve prepared for your bachelor party will leave you speechless!
These expressions translate to “farewell to celibacy”.
Addio in Italian is also used ironically. For example:
Ho finito tutto il gelato. Addio, dieta!
I finished up all the ice cream. Farewell, diet!
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