
How do you say good in Italian?


Use buono to say good in Italian.

OriginFrom the Latin word bonus, “good”


Buono in Italian: Different forms

Like all other adjectives in Italian, buono needs to match the gender (masculine or feminine) and the number (singular or plural) of the noun.

woman tasting some delicious food

Buono in Italian: Examples

La pizza è davvero buona in questo ristorante.
The pizza is really good in this restaurant.

La tua idea è buona, dobbiamo provarla.
Your idea is good, we should try it.

Ho ricevuto dei buoni consigli per migliorare il mio sito web.
I received some good advice to improve my website.

Questo caffè è proprio buono. Ne vuoi un po’?
This coffee is really good. Do you want some?

Oftentimes, you can shorten buono to buon in front of most masculine nouns. Nouns that use the article lo use buono (s + consonant, z, x, gn), with some common exceptions such as buon stipendio, “good salary”. Note that you always use buono if the adjective comes after the noun.

Buon lavoro
Good work

Buono studente
Good student

cup of coffee with cream and chocolate

There are some synonyms you can use instead of buono. The most common are…

Good, competent (people)

For example, you can say…

I miei genitori sono brave persone.
My parents are good people.

Quali sono gli studenti più bravi della classe?
Which students are the best in the class?

You can also say valido.

Good, valid

For example, you can say…

Maurizio è un lavoratore molto valido.
Maurizio is a very good worker.

a reunion at work

Finally, you can translate good as bello, which is shortened to bel in front of nouns beginning with s + consonant, z, x, gn, ps and pn. Bello can also translate “nice”.


For example, you can say…

Oggi è una bella giornata.
Today is a good day.

Ho visto un bel film ieri sera.
I saw a good movie last night.

drawing of a kaiju destroying a city

Greetings with buono in Italian

Good is also used in some Italian greetings, for example:

Good morning, good day

Buon pomeriggio
Good afternoon

Good evening

Good night

boy sleeping soundly

Good in Italian as a noun and adverb

Depending on the context, good in Italian can also be translated as bene, which can act both as a noun (il bene) and an adverb. For example, you can say:

Il bene trionferà sul male.
Good will triumph over evil.

Bene! Partiremo domani all’alba.
Good! We will leave tomorrow at dawn.

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