How do you say cookie in Italian?
Use biscotto to say cookie in Italian.
Origin | From the Latin word biscoctus, “double cooked” |
Pronunciation | /bisˈkotto/ |
Il biscotto
The cookie
I biscotti
The cookies
Cookie in Italian: Different forms
Like most nouns in Italian, biscotto has two articles (definite or indefinite articles) and two numbers (singular or plural).
Un biscotto
A cookie
Dei biscotti
Some cookies
Il biscotto
The cookie
I biscotti
The cookies

Italy offers a vast array of cookies, and if you ever pay us a visit, make sure to taste them all! I suggest: taralli, savoiardi, krumiri, cantucci, amaretti. I swear they are all delicious, so you’d better try them all! Watch your belly, though: they can be quite… calorici.
What does calorici mean? Find out below!
Cookie in Italian: Examples
You will find the word cookie in Italian most commonly in combination with certain verbs, such as:
Assaggiare un biscotto
To taste a cookie
Inzuppare un biscotto
To dunk a cookie
Preparare dei biscotti
To make some cookies
Sgranocchiare dei biscotti
To munch some cookies
Infornare dei biscotti
To bake some cookies

Tieni, assaggia questo biscotto!
Here, try this cookie!
Adoro inzuppare i biscotti nel tè a colazione.
I love to dunk cookies in tea while having breakfast.
Ho preparato dei biscotti al cioccolato, ne vuoi un po’?
I made some chocolate cookies, want some?
Ho appena infornato i biscotti.
I’ve just put the cookies in the oven.
You will find the word cookie in Italian most commonly in combination with certain nouns, such as:
Barattolo dei biscotti
Cookie jar
Biscotti al cioccolato
Chocolate cookies
Biscotti alle mandorle
Almond cookies
Biscotto della fortuna
Fortune cookie

Scatola di biscotti
Cookie box
Biscotti all’anice
Aniseed cookies
Biscotto da tè
Cookie for tea
Vassoio di biscotti
Plate of cookies

Chi ha saccheggiato il barattolo dei biscotti?!
Who looted the cookie jar?!
Mia mamma sa fare dei deliziosi biscotti ripieni alla fragola.
My mum can make some delicious strawberry-stuffed cookies.
Vendono una nuova marca di biscotti al supermercato, me ne prendi una confezione?
They are selling a new cookie brand at the supermarket, will you buy me a bag?
You will find the word cookie in Italian most commonly in combination with certain adjectives, such as:
Biscotto friabile
Crumbly cookie
Biscotto integrale
Whole wheat cookie
Biscotto dietetico
Dietary cookie
Biscotto croccante
Crunchy cookie
Biscotto fatto in casa
Home-made cookie
Biscotto industriale
Packaged cookie
Biscotto ripieno
Stuffed cookie

I biscotti fatti in casa sono più buoni di quelli industriali.
Home-made cookies taste better than packaged cookies.
Questi biscotti sono così duri da spaccare un dente!
These cookies are so hard they could break your teeth!
I biscotti dietetici non contengono zucchero.
Dietary cookies don’t have sugar in them.

More free Italian resources
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