
How do you say another in Italian?

Un altro / un’altra

Use un altro and un’altra to say another in Italian.

Un altro, un’altra
Another (m, f)
Literally: An other

You use un altro with masculine nouns. You use un’altra with feminine nouns. The noun that follows will alwyas be singular, never plural.

For example, you can say…

Posso avere un altro piatto di pasta?
Can I have another plate of pasta?

Non aspetterò un altro secondo.
I will not wait for another second.

Mi rimane un altro libro da leggere.
Can I have another plate of pasta?

C’era un’altra persona alla festa.
There was another person at the party.

Mi serve un’altra matita.
I need another pencil.

boy taking a test


You can also translate another as ancora, which means “again, still”, especially in questions.

You use either ancora uno or ancora una depending on the gender (masculine, feminine) of the noun. This also translates “one more”.

Posso avere ancora un piatto di pasta?
Can I have one more plate of pasta?

Mangi ancora qualcosa?
Something else to eat?

Ho ancora un libro da leggere.
I still have one more book to read.

Another in Italian as “one another, each other”

There’s more than one way to translate “one another” in Italian. You can use a reflexive verb, such as in:

Marco e Lorenza si amano.
Marco and Lorenza love each other.

You can also use a vicenda, “reciprocally”.

Paolo e Vittorio si insultano a vicenda.
Paolo and Vittorio insult one another.

two boys arguing

Another in Italian: Expressions

There are many idiomatic expressions featuring another in Italian. Here are some:

  • altro che! (of course)
  • ieri l’altro, l’altro ieri (the day before yesterday)
  • l’altro giorno (the other day)
  • è tutta un’altra cosa (that’s quite another matter)
  • molto altro ancora (much more)
  • cose dell’altro mondo (not to be believed)
  • sarà per un’altra volta (it will be for another time)
  • avanti un altro (next up)
  • senz’altro (without a doubt)
  • nessun altro (no one else)
  • niente altro (nothing else)
  • da un momento all’altro (from one moment to the next)
  • ci mancherebbe altro! (just what we needed! /s)
  • d’altro canto (on the other hand)
  • parliamo d’altro (let’s drop the subject)
  • se non altro (if nothing else)

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