How to pronounce U

Italian vowel

U is always pronounced in the same way, no matter its position in the word. It sounds like the oo in loo, but it’s more closed.

Its IPA symbol is /u/.

UU sound


Uva, lupo, ululare, super, muccaGrapes, wolf, to howl, super, cow
a smiling cow

Length of the U sound

The U sound in Italian can be short or long.

It is long if it’s stressed and it’s at the end of the syllable, but not at the end of a word. For example…


Listen closely. The “u” in laguna is long, since it’s stressed and is at the end of the syllable (gu).


The stress is yet again on the second “u” vowel, but its length is short because the syllable ends with an -n (sun).

a lake and some trees

Other Italian words with the U sound

PuzzaBad smell
kids fantasizing on their future careers

Your turn!

Pronounce each given word.



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