Italian phrases for small talk

Sì. No.
Yes. No.

Per favore.

Per piacere.


Grazie mille.
Thank you very much.
Literally: Thank you thousand.

common italian phrases for small talk - grazie mille - grandparents and grandchildren

You’re welcome.

Non c’è di che.
No problem.
Literally: There’s nothing to [thank for].

Mi scusi.
Excuse me. (formal)

Si figuri.
No problem. (formal)

No problem. (informal)

common Italian phrases for small talk - figurati - happy girl surrounded by stars

Mi puoi dire…?
Can you tell me…? (informal)

Mi può dire…?
Can you tell me…? (formal)

Mi dispiace.
I’m sorry.

Non parlo italiano.
I speak very little Italian.

Parlo poco l’italiano.
I barely speak Italian.

common Italian phrases for small talk - figurati - two boys chatting at a coffee table

Non capisco.
I don’t understand.

Puoi ripetere, per favore?
Can you repeat that, please? (informal)

Può ripetere, per favore?
Can you repeat that, please? (formal)

Parli inglese?
Do you speak English? (informal)

Parla inglese?
Do you speak English? (formal)

common Italian phrases for small talk - parla inglese - uncle sam pointing at reader

Non lo so.
I don’t know.

Come si dice … in italiano?
How do you say … in Italian?

Puoi parlare piĂą lentamente, per favore?
Can you speak more slowly, please? (informal)

Può parlare più lentamente, per favore?
Can you speak more slowly, please? (formal)

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