Sparkling water

Acqua frizzante

Use acqua frizzante to say sparking water in Italian.

Literal translationFizzling water
IPA pronunciation/ˈakkwa fritˈtsante/
You do NOT sayAcqua scintillante

Acqua frizzante
Sparkling water

You may also see this expression as acqua gassata.

Acqua gassata
Sparkling water

bottle of sparkling water


Acqua frizzante literally means fizzling water, while acqua gassata literally means carbonated water.

In English, these expressions are not equivalent: you would use sparkling water to refer to a type of water that naturally contains carbon dioxide, while you would use carbonated water to refer to a type of water with artificially-added carbon dioxide.

There is no such distinction in Italian: acqua frizzante and acqua gassata can be used interchangeably. If you want to emphasize that the small bubbles in your water are natural, you can use the expression acqua effervescente naturale, “naturally sparkling water”.

Acqua effervescente naturale
Naturally sparkling water


Un bicchiere di acqua frizzante, per favore.
A glass of sparkling water, please.

Non bevo mai acqua frizzante. Mi gonfia la pancia.
I never drink sparkling water. It makes my belly bloat.

Preferisci l’acqua frizzante o l’acqua naturale?
Do you prefer sparkling water or still water?

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