Vuoi sposarmi?
Words you should know | Volere (to want) + sposare (to marry) |
When to use this | With 1 person you’re familiar with |
When NOT to use this | With strangers (doh!) and groups |
Vuoi sposarmi?
Do you want to marry me?
Mi vuoi sposare?
Do you want to marry me?

Don’t forget to buy an anello di fidanzamento, an engagement ring!
Anello di fidanzamento
Engagement ring
Literally: ring of engagement
Trivia! If you have ever seen the movie Forrest Gump, you will remember the scene where Forrest proposes to Jenny. In the Italian dubbing of the movie, you will hear Vuoi sposarmi, Jenny?. Will you marry me, Jenny?.
Ti amo… Vuoi sposarmi?
Words you should know | Amare (to love) |
When to use this | With 1 person you’re familiar with |
When NOT to use this | With strangers (doh!) and groups |
Ti amo. Vuoi sposarmi?
I love you. Will you marry me?
Other creative marriage proposals:
Voglio passare il resto della mia vita con te.
I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Non riesco a immaginare un futuro senza di te.
I cannot imagine a future without you.
Conoscerti è la cosa più bella che mi sia mai capitata.
Meeting you is the best thing that ever happened to me.
Ti amo più di qualsiasi cosa al mondo.
I love you more than anything in the world.

Ok, what now?
You did it. You finally got up the courage to ask your soul mate will you marry me in Italian. Congratulazioni! Congrats! Ok, but… what now? If everything goes well, tears will fall from their eyes and they’ll say…
Sì, lo voglio!
Literally: Yes, I want to!
And after a rich cerimonia nuziale, wedding ceremony, you will stay in love happily ever after. Per sempre felici e contenti. 🙂
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