I don’t read books

Non leggo libri

Non leggo libri is how you say I don’t read books in Italian when you want to say that you don’t read any books whatsoever.

Non leggo libri.
I don’t read books.

boy tearing the pages of a book

If you want to be more specific about a book genre, you can say…

Non leggo libri gialli.
I don’t read mystery books.

Non leggo romanzi d’amore.
I don’t read romance novels.

You can also use an adverb, like mai, never.

Non leggo mai libri in inglese.
I never read English books.

detective pointing his index at the reader

Other ways to say I don’t read books in Italian

You can simply say non mi piace leggere, which translates to I don’t like to read.

Non mi piace leggere.
I don’t like to read.

A creative way to say that you don’t read books is non sono un grande topo di biblioteca, which means “I’m not much of a bookworm”. Topo di biblioteca literally translates as “library mouse”.

Non sono un grande topo di biblioteca.
I’m not much of a bookworm.

girl reading stacks of books

Here are other ways you can say I don’t read books in Italian:

Leggere libri non è il mio forte.
Reading books isn’t my thing.

Non sono proprio un lettore forte.
I’m not really a strong reader.

You can also give a reason for not reading books, such as…

Non leggo libri perché non ho tempo.
I don’t read books because I don’t have time.

Non leggo libri perché sono sempre molto impegnato.
I don’t read books because I am always very busy.

Non leggo libri perché ci vedo male.
I don’t read books because I have bad eyesight.

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