Il fine giustifica i mezzi

Il fine giustifica i mezzi in Italian

Literal translationThe goal justifies the means
MeaningWhat really counts is the end result and you shouldn’t worry about what you have to do to get there
IPA pronunciation/il ˈfiːne d͡ʒusˈtifika i ˈmɛt͡tsi/

Il fine giustifica i mezzi
The end justifies the means

Where does this come from? It is thought that this proverb comes from the work The Prince (Il principe) by the Italian writer Niccolò Machiavelli‘s, who said: “Faccia adunque un principe conto di vincere e mantenere lo stato; i mezzi saranno sempre giudicati onorevoli e da ciascuno lodati.”

two people holding a "GOAL" banner

For example, you can say…

Non tutti prendono decisioni in base alla morale. Il fine giustifica i mezzi.
Not everyone makes decisions based on morality. The end justifies the means.

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