Useful Italian Words: The parts of the body

➡️ Go to the parts of the body in Italian exercises.

Parts of the body in Italian 1-10

Il corpo umano
The human body

La testa
The head

Il collo
The neck

Mettiti una sciarpa attorno al collo: fa molto freddo fuori!
Put a scarf around your neck: it’s very cold outside!

La spalla
The shoulder

La nuca
The nape
The back of the head

The armpit

La schiena
The back

Luca si siede sul divano e appoggia la schiena contro al cuscino.
Luca is sitting on the sofa with his back against the cushion.

Il braccio, le braccia
The arm, the arms

Il gomito
The elbow

“Alzare il gomito” è un modo di dire che significa “bere alcolici”.
“To raise your elbow” is an expression that means “to drink alcohol”.

The forearm

parts of the body in Italian - collo

Parts of the body in Italian 11-20

Il polso
The wrist

La mano
The hand

Il dito, le dita
The finger, the fingers

L’uomo porta una fede al dito.
The man has a wedding ring on his finger.

Il petto
The chest

Il torace
The chest

Il seno
The breasts

La pancia
The belly, the stomach

Il mal di pancia può essere causato da molte cose.
Stomach pain can be caused by many things.

The navel

La vita
The waist

Quella signora ha una vita molto stretta. La invidio!
That woman has a very small waist. I envy her!

Le natiche
The buttocks

parts of the body in Italian - polso

Parts of the body in Italian 21-32

Il sedere
The buttocks

I genitali
The genitals

The groin

La gamba
The leg

Mi siedo e accavallo le gambe.
I sit down and cross my legs.

The hip

La coscia
The thigh

Il ginocchio
The knee

Riesci a piegare il ginocchio? – No, è bloccato.
Can you bend your knee? – No, it’s blocked.

Il polpaccio
The calf

La caviglia
The ankle

Il piede
The foot

Il tallone
The heel

Stefano chiude la porta con una spinta del tallone.
Stefano closes the door with a kick of the heel.

Le dita dei piedi
The toes

parts of the body in Italian - ginocchio

Now what?

➡️ Go to the parts of the body in Italian exercises.

You might want to keep learning Italian online with these free Italian resources:

Title: Italian All-in-One For Dummies
Language: English / Italian
Publisher: For Dummies
Pages: 672

Learn to speak Italian like a native? Easy.
Italian All-in-One For Dummies appeals to those readers looking for a comprehensive, all-encompassing guide to mastering the Italian language. It contains content from all For Dummies Italian language instruction titles, including Italian For Dummies, Intermediate Italian For Dummies, Italian Verbs For Dummies, Italian Phrases For Dummies, Italian Grammar For Dummies, and Italian For Dummies Audio Set.

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