To take a shower in Italian

How do you translate the expression to take a shower in Italian?

In this lesson, we are going to take a look at this very expression, also known as collocation, and even talk about what types of showers there are in Italian and what words you’re likely to hear when you take a shower.

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To take a shower in Italian

First of all, let’s translate to take a shower in Italian.

Fare la doccia
To take a shower

You can also find this expression as farsi la doccia, literally to do oneself a shower.

Farsi la doccia
To take a shower
Literally: To do oneself a shower

To take a bath, on the other hand, would be fare il bagno.

Fare il bagno
To take a bath
Literally: To do a bath

to take a bath in italian - to take a shower - kid taking a bath among many rubber ducks

To take a shower in Italian – Let’s break it down!

Fare la doccia literally means to do the shower.

To do, to make

La doccia
The shower

It can also be written as fare una doccia or farsi una doccia, which means to do a shower or to do oneself a shower.

All these ways of saying to take a shower in Italian are interchangeable.

Young people also use docciarsi (to shower), but it’s a very colloquial expression that should not be used in formal situations.

To shower
(Very informal!)

Mi sono fatto la/una doccia.
I took a shower.

to take a shower in italian - boy surrounded by steam


Fare is a verb of the first -are group and happens to be the most common verb in the Italian language. Its indicativo presente conjugation is irregular and is as follows.

lui, leifa

Title: Italian All-in-One For Dummies
Language: English / Italian
Publisher: For Dummies
Pages: 672

Learn to speak Italian like a native? Easy.
Italian All-in-One For Dummies appeals to those readers looking for a comprehensive, all-encompassing guide to mastering the Italian language. It contains content from all For Dummies Italian language instruction titles, including Italian For Dummies, Intermediate Italian For Dummies, Italian Verbs For Dummies, Italian Phrases For Dummies, Italian Grammar For Dummies, and Italian For Dummies Audio Set.

It’s a common mistake even for some native speakers to say “voi facete”. It sounds so natural, doesn’t it? But it is a BIG mistake, so remember: the correct conjugation is voi fate!

You will find fare in a huge number of expressions. Some of them are:

Fare tardi
To be late

Fare il letto
To make the bed

Fare i compiti
To do the homework

Fare male
To hurt

For example, you could say:

Luca fa spesso tardi a scuola.
Luca is often late for school.

Faccio il letto ogni mattina.
I make the bed every morning.

Mio figlio deve fare molti compiti.
My son has to do a lot of homework.

Mi fa male un dente!
My tooth hurts!

to take a shower in italian - my tooth hurts - woman with an aching tooth


We said that the translation for to take a shower in Italian is fare la doccia. Doccia is a feminine noun. It is often followed by certain adjectives.

Una doccia
A shower

Delle docce
Some showers

La doccia
The shower

Le docce
The showers

la doccia - the shower - boy taking a shower and washing his hair

La doccia è rotta!
The shower is broken!

Sto per farmi una doccia.
I’m going to take a shower.

L’uomo si fa una doccia.
The man is taking a shower.

There are many kinds of showers. Some you may find in Italian are…

Doccia rinfrescante
Refreshing shower

Doccia rilassante
Relaxing shower

Fare una doccia calda
To take a hot shower

Fare una doccia fredda
To take a cold shower

Doccia fredda in Italian can mean either cold shower or wet blanket, depending on the context.

La notizia è arrivata come una doccia fredda.
The news came as a wet blanket.

cold shower - boy freezing under the shower

Meteor shower is another word that doesn’t translate well into Italian. We actually say sciame di meteore, which means “meteor swarm”!

Sciame di meteore
Meteor shower
Literally: Swarm of meteors

And baby shower in Italian… translates to baby shower. It is borrowed from English and is a masculine noun.

Il baby shower
The baby shower

As we’ve seen, people who want to relax can also take a bath, which in Italian translates as fare un bagno. Bagno is a masculine noun.

Un bagno
A bath

Dei bagni
Some baths

Il bagno
The bath

I bagni
The baths

In questo bagno manca una doccia.
This bathroom lacks a shower.

In Italian, there’s no difference between bath and bathroom: they are both translated as bagno!

What do you need to take a shower in Italian? You need sapone, soap, bagnoschiuma, body wash or sciampo/shampoo, shampoo. Maybe you prefer baths. In that case, you can even let a few paperelle di gomma, rubber ducks, float on the surface of the water!

Questo bagnoschiuma ha un ottimo profumo.
This body wash smells great.

To take a shower in Italian – Examples

Quante volte ti fai la doccia alla settimana?
How often do you take a shower in a week?

Credo che farsi la doccia due volte al giorno sia un po’ eccessivo.
I think that showering twice a day is a bit too much.

Faccio la doccia tutti i giorni.
I take a shower every day.

to take a shower in italian - brown dog taking a bath

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