To make sense in Italian

How do you translate the expression to make sense in Italian?

In this lesson, we’ll take a look at this very expression, also known as collocation, and will even talk about what kinds of senses there are in Italian and what words you can use to describe them.

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To make sense in Italian

First of all, let’s translate to make sense in Italian.

Avere senso
To make sense

man frowning at his laptop - how do you say to make sense in italian

To make sense in Italian – Let’s break this down!

Avere senso could literally be translated as to have sense.

To have


Quello che stai dicendo non ha senso.
What you are saying doesn’t make sense.

Non ha senso!
It doesn’t make sense!

man arguing with police officer

Avere is a verb of the second -ere group. Its indicativo presente conjugation is irregular and is as follows.

lui, leiha

Title: Italian All-in-One For Dummies
Language: English / Italian
Publisher: For Dummies
Pages: 672

Learn to speak Italian like a native? Easy.
Italian All-in-One For Dummies appeals to those readers looking for a comprehensive, all-encompassing guide to mastering the Italian language. It contains content from all For Dummies Italian language instruction titles, including Italian For Dummies, Intermediate Italian For Dummies, Italian Verbs For Dummies, Italian Phrases For Dummies, Italian Grammar For Dummies, and Italian For Dummies Audio Set.

Avere is a very common verb used in a wide variety of other Italian expressions. Here are a few:

Avere caldo
To be hot

Avere freddo
To be cold

Avere bisogno di
To need

Avere fame
To be hungry

Avere sete
To be thirsty

➡️ Read the lessons on how to say to be thirsty and hungry in Italian!

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For example, you could say:

Non hai caldo con il cappotto? Ci sono 21 gradi!
Aren’t you warm in your coat? It’s 21 degrees!

Quell’uccellino sul ramo sta tremando. Deve avere freddo.
That little bird on the branch is shivering. It must be cold.

Ho bisogno di tre matite e sei quaderni a righe.
I need three pencils and six ruled notebooks.

Giorgia ha sudato molto e ora ha sete.
Georgia has sweated a lot and is thirsty now.


We said that the translation for to make sense in Italian is avere senso. Senso is a masculine noun (un/il senso). Its forms are as follows.

Un senso
A sense

Dei sensi
Some senses

Il senso
The sense

I sensi
The senses

blindfolded man typing on a keyboard - how do you say to make sense in italian

Senso has a double meaning in Italian. It can mean… well, meaning and also sense as in perception. The 5 senses are translated as i 5 sensi.

Il sesto senso
The sixth sense

Quali sono i cinque sensi?
What are the five senses?

Tu credi che le donne abbiano un sesto senso?
Do you believe that women have a sixth sense?

thinking woman - sixth sense

Here are all the 5 senses in Italian:

Il senso dell’udito
The sense of hearing

Il senso dell’olfatto
The sense of smell

Il senso della vista
The sense of sight

Il senso del gusto
The sense of taste

Il senso del tatto
The sense of touch

Let’s take a few examples:

Gli esseri umani hanno cinque sensi: vista, udito, tatto, gusto e olfatto.
Human beings have five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.

La vista è considerata il più complesso dei cinque sensi.
Sight is considered the most complex of the five senses.

Ho perso il senso del gusto a causa del raffreddore.
I lost my sense of taste because of a cold.

boy smelling something in the air - how do you say to make sense in italian

You can also add an adjective to describe the sense itself, as in:

Scarso senso
Poor sense

Acuto senso
Keen sense

For example, you could say…

Tom ha uno scarso senso dell’orientamento.
Tom has a poor sense of direction.

Il cane ha un acuto senso dell’olfatto.
A dog has a keen sense of smell.

To be thirsty in Italian – Examples

Nulla di quanto detto da Tom aveva senso.
Nothing Tom said made any sense.

Faccio solo ciò che ritengo sensato.
I only do what I think makes sense.

Alcune delle tue frasi non hanno senso.
Some of your sentences make no sense.

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