To be thirsty in Italian

How do you translate the expression to be thirsty in Italian?

In this lesson, we’ll take a look at this very expression, also known as collocation, and we’ll even talk about what kinds of thirst there are in Italian and what words you can use to describe them.

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To be thirsty in Italian

First of all, let’s translate to be thirsty in Italian.

Avere sete
To be thirsty

very thirsty man - how do you say to be thirsty in italian

To be thirsty in Italian – Let’s break this down!

Avere sete could literally be translated as to have thirst.

To have


Marta ha sete.
Marta is thirsty.

Although you could literally translate to be thirsty as essere assetato, where assetato is an adjective, this expression is almost never used in everyday life.

Essere assetato
To be thirsty

Ideally, you would say something like sono assetato!, I am thirsty!, to emphasize your condition: I AM thirsty (and I need water asap).

If you just want to say that you’re thirsty, stick to avere sete.

thirsty woman wanting a glass of water

Avere is a verb of the second -ere group. Its indicativo presente conjugation is irregular and is as follows.

lui, leiha

Title: Italian All-in-One For Dummies
Language: English / Italian
Publisher: For Dummies
Pages: 672

Learn to speak Italian like a native? Easy.
Italian All-in-One For Dummies appeals to those readers looking for a comprehensive, all-encompassing guide to mastering the Italian language. It contains content from all For Dummies Italian language instruction titles, including Italian For Dummies, Intermediate Italian For Dummies, Italian Verbs For Dummies, Italian Phrases For Dummies, Italian Grammar For Dummies, and Italian For Dummies Audio Set.

Avere is a very common verb used in a wide variety of other Italian expressions. Here are a few:

Avere caldo
To be hot

Avere freddo
To be cold

Avere bisogno di
To need

Avere fame
To be hungry

➡️ Read the lesson on how to say to be hungry in Italian!

hot kid fanning himself with his hand - how do you say to be thirsty in italian?

For example, you could say:

Ho sempre molta fame dopo aver lavorato tutto il giorno.
I am always very hungry after working all day.

Non hai caldo con il cappotto? Ci sono 21 gradi!
Aren’t you warm in your coat? It’s 21 degrees!

Quell’uccellino sul ramo sta tremando. Deve avere freddo.
That little bird on the branch is shivering. It must be cold.

Ho bisogno di tre matite e sei quaderni a righe.
I need three pencils and six lined notebooks.


We said that the translation for to be thirsty in Italian is avere sete. Sete is a feminine noun (una/la sete). Because it’s uncountable, it has no plural form.

Non bevo nulla da stamattina. Ho la gola secca e una sete pazzesca.
I haven’t had anything to drink since this morning. My throat is dry and I’m so thirsty.

Stefano alleviò la sete con un grosso bicchiere di birra.
Stefano quenched his thirst with a big glass of beer.

drought, dry and cracked earth

There’s more than one kind of thirst in Italian. Here are some words that often go with sete.

Sete inestinguibile
Unquenchable thirst

Sete di potere
Lust/thirst for power

Morire di sete
To die of thirst

For example, you could say…

La sete è la sensazione di aver bisogno di bere qualcosa.
Thirst is the feeling of having to drink something.

È morta di sete durante la siccità.
She died of thirst during the drought.

Tu la chiami sete di potere e io la chiamo irresponsabilità.
You call it lust for power, and I call it irresponsibility.

employee stealing money from a vault

To be thirsty in Italian – Examples

Sembra che il tuo cane abbia sete.
It looks like your dog is thirsty.

Ho sete. Dammi qualcosa di fresco da bere, per favore.
I’m thirsty. Give me something cold to drink, please.

Non mi ero reso conto di quanto fossi assetato.
I didn’t realize how thirsty I was.

Questi pretzel mi fanno venire sete.
These pretzels make me thirsty.

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