How do you say SUGAR in Italian?

How exactly do you say sugar in Italian?

In this lesson, we will take a look at the different words you can use to talk about sugar in Italian and you will even learn a few expressions featuring this word. Read on to learn them all!


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How do you say sugar in Italian?


Zucchero is how you translate sugar into Italian.

Lo zucchero
(The) sugar

pink and white jar of sugar with a spoon

It is a masculine noun, so it uses the article lo (definite, lo zucchero). Its plural form in Italian, gli zuccheri, is used to talk about the amount of sugar in a substance or in our bodies. The singular partitive article is dello.

Dello zucchero
Some sugar

Lo zucchero
(The) sugar

Gli zuccheri
(The) sugar

Title: Italian All-in-One For Dummies
Language: English / Italian
Publisher: For Dummies
Pages: 672

Learn to speak Italian like a native? Easy.
Italian All-in-One For Dummies appeals to those readers looking for a comprehensive, all-encompassing guide to mastering the Italian language. It contains content from all For Dummies Italian language instruction titles, including Italian For Dummies, Intermediate Italian For Dummies, Italian Verbs For Dummies, Italian Phrases For Dummies, Italian Grammar For Dummies, and Italian For Dummies Audio Set.

Its pronunciation is similar to tsook-keh-row and it comes from the Arabic word sukkar, “sugar”. Make sure the final -o has a clean sound, because Italian vowels are clean!

Non c’è zucchero nella ciotola.
There is no sugar in the bowl.

Per preparare questa torta abbiamo bisogno di farina, zucchero e uova.
We need flour, sugar and eggs to make this cake.

Se il caffè è troppo forte, aggiungi dello zucchero.
If your coffee is too strong, add some sugar.

Vuoi zucchero e latte?
Would you like sugar and milk?

almond milk and a glass

Kinds of sugar in Italian

There are various kinds of sugar in Italian. The most common are:

  • zucchero di canna (brown sugar)
  • zucchero bianco or raffinato (white or refined sugar)
  • zucchero semolato (granulated sugar)
  • zucchero a velo (powdered sugar)
  • zucchero filato (cotton candy)

Zucchero di canna
Brown sugar
(“Cane sugar”)

Zucchero semolato
Granulated sugar

Zucchero bianco, zucchero raffinato
White sugar, refined sugar

Zucchero a velo
Powdered sugar
(“Veiled sugar”)

Zucchero filato
Powdered sugar
(“Spun sugar”)

For example, you could say…

Come conservare lo zucchero di canna per evitare che indurisca?
How can brown sugar be stored to prevent it from hardening?

I pancake vengono serviti con zucchero a velo e burro.
Pancakes are served with powdered sugar and butter.

Le nuvole sembrano zucchero filato.
The clouds look like cotton candy.

clouds above the earth and the sun

Adding sugar in Italian

Addolcire, to sweeten, is the most common verb used to mean “to add sugar to something, to make something sweeter”. It comes from dolce, which means sweet.

To sweeten


➡️ Do you like sweet things? Read the lesson on how to say chocolate in Italian!

Addolcisco il caffè con la melassa invece che con lo zucchero.
I sweeten my coffee with molasses instead of sugar.

Questo caffè è troppo dolce!
This coffee is too sweet!

coffee with cream and chocolate

You can also use zuccherare, which obviously comes from zucchero. It’s less common than addolcire.

To sweeten

Tom zuccherò il suo tè con il miele.
Tom sweetened his tea with honey.

When it comes to cakes and powdered sugar, you have to use the expression cospargere di zucchero, which means to sprinkle with sugar.

Togliere la torta dal forno e cospargerla di zucchero a velo.
Take the cake out of the oven and sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

When you heat it up, sugar changes color. This kind of sugar is called zucchero caramellato and it comes from the verb caramellare, to caramelize.

Zucchero caramellato
Caramelised sugar

Fai caramellare lo zucchero in un pentolino per qualche minuto.
Caramelize the sugar in a pan for a few minutes.

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Idioms featuring sugar in Italian

When a person is very gentle and as sweet as honey, you can say dolce come il miele (as sweet as honey) or dolce come lo zucchero (as sweet as sugar) in Italian.

Dolce come lo zucchero
As sweet as sugar

woman who is in love with a man and they are both blushing

Essere zucchero e miele is another Italian idiom with a very similar meaning. It literally translates to “to be sugar and honey”, so it’s used to describe a very affectionate and sweet type of person.

Essere zucchero e miele
As sweet as sugar

And that’s the end of our lesson on how to say sugar in Italian!

What next?

Now that you’ve seen how to say sugar in Italian, you might want to keep learning Italian online with these free Italian resources:

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