See you soon in Italian

How exactly do you say see you soon in Italian?

If you need to say goodbye to your Italian friend, but only for a short time, and you want to emphasize that your goodbye is only temporary, this lesson will be useful to learn all the different ways you can say see you soon in Italian.

Let’s get started! Iniziamo!

How do you say see you soon in Italian

A presto

A presto is the most common way to say see you soon in Italian in both formal and informal settings, and it’s also the shortest.

A means to, while presto means soon. Taken together and literally, they translate to “to soon”.

A presto
See you soon
Literally: To soon

Grazie per la chiacchierata. A presto!
Thank you for the chat. See you soon!

two women chatting

A fra poco

Fra poco is an expression made up of a preposition, fra, meaning in or between, and poco, an adverb meaning little.

A fra poco can be literally translated as “to in a little bit”.

A fra poco
See you soon
Literally: To in a little

Vado un attimo in cartoleria e poi torno. A fra poco!
I’m going to the stationery store and I’ll be right back. See you in a bit!

A dopo

A dopo literally means “to after”.

This is another very common way to say see you soon in Italian.

A dopo
See you soon
Literally: To after

Devo tornare a casa a prendere le chiavi. A dopo!
I have to go home and get my keys. See you later!

A più tardi

A più tardi
See you later
Literally: To later

two classmates chatting and saying goodbye at school

Longer ways to say see you soon in Italian

The next 4 ways to say see you soon in Italian all begin with the structure ci vediamo, from the reflexive verb vedersi, which means to see each other.

They are similar to the ones we have already seen, but they are longer and are used in exactly the same informal contexts.

Ci vediamo presto

Ci vediamo presto
See you soon
Literally: We see each other soon

Ho passato una bellissima giornata. Ci vediamo presto!
I had a wonderful day. See you soon!

Title: Italian All-in-One For Dummies
Language: English / Italian
Publisher: For Dummies
Pages: 672

Learn to speak Italian like a native? Easy.
Italian All-in-One For Dummies appeals to those readers looking for a comprehensive, all-encompassing guide to mastering the Italian language. It contains content from all For Dummies Italian language instruction titles, including Italian For Dummies, Intermediate Italian For Dummies, Italian Verbs For Dummies, Italian Phrases For Dummies, Italian Grammar For Dummies, and Italian For Dummies Audio Set.

Ci vediamo fra poco

Ci vediamo fra poco
See you soon
Literally: We see each other in a little

Mi sto preparando, esco fra 10 minuti. Ci vediamo fra poco.
I’m getting ready, I’m leaving in 10 minutes. I’ll see you in a little while.

Ci vediamo dopo

Ci vediamo dopo
See you soon
Literally: We see each other after

Vado a fare spesa. Ci vediamo dopo!
I’m going grocery shopping. See you soon!

women going to grocery shopping

Ci vediamo più tardi

Ci vediamo più tardi
See you later
Literally: We see each other later

Other ways to say see you soon in Italian

If you want to say see you!, you can use the following expressions depending on the time of day:

  • in mattinata (in the morning)
  • nel pomeriggio (in the afternoon)
  • stasera or in serata (tonight or in the evening)

All of these are preceded once again by ci vediamo. You can’t say a in mattinata and you can’t say a nel pomeriggio, but you can say a stasera.

Ci vediamo in mattinata

Ci vediamo in mattinata
See you in the morning
Literally: We see each other in the morning

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Ci vediamo nel pomeriggio

Ci vediamo nel pomeriggio
See you in the afternoon
Literally: We see each other in the afternoon

Ci vediamo stasera

You can also say ci vediamo in serata or a stasera.

Ci vediamo stasera
See you tonight
Literally: We see each other tonight

Adesso devo andare. A stasera!
I have to go now. See you tonight!

That’s the end of our lesson! Now you know how to pronounce all the different ways to say see you soon in Italian! Remember: all the formulas you have seen in this lesson are suitable for use in informal contexts. A presto is what you will most commonly hear in formal contexts.

What next?

Now that you’ve seen how to say see you soon in Italian, you might want to keep learning Italian online with these free Italian resources:

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